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Travel Bug Dog Tag Iraq's Bad Boys

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Sunday, July 18, 2004
Colorado, United States
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Current Goal

Iraq's Bad Boys wants to visit our troops in Iraq at the "Dinar Cash" geaocache site and tell them we are very proud of them. When he has accomplished his mission please send him on his way back home to Colorado.

About This Item

Iraq's Bad Boys is a deck of playing cards with the Iraq Most Wanted Pictures

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Tracking History (34555.1mi) View Map

Discovered It 8/31/2024 Irisatko discovered it   Visit Log

Opisuji a loguji TB kódy z poznámek a fotek co jsem posbíral za poslední dlouhé roky různě na lovu a eventech. Děkuji

Discovered It 8/31/2024 nimir discovered it   Visit Log

Opisuji a loguji TB kódy z poznámek a fotek co jsem posbíral za poslední dlouhé roky různě na lovu a eventech. Děkuji

Discovered It 5/15/2024 Operation Monkeys discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered it. Thank you for sharing. If you do not concur,pls do not hesitate to remove my log.

Discovered It 5/6/2024 GGeoMM discovered it   Visit Log

Found it! Thanks for sharing. 😀

Discovered It 1/15/2024 topsi92 discovered it   Visit Log

Habe diesen Trackable entdeckt. Nice one!

Discovered It 7/16/2023 LadyTheDogAndUs discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered it. Thank you for sharing.

I enter these codes manually after writing them down; I am dyslexic and if I have entered the code improperly and in error, please be kind and just delete my log and not send hateful emails to me please.

Discovered It 7/1/2023 schwartz-hansen discovered it   Visit Log

Seen in a photo log on the TB home page - thank you :-)

Discovered It 2/13/2019 fred856 discovered it   Visit Log

Découvert dans les photos de l'objet -merci pour le partage

Discovered It 1/15/2015 Colorado Cacher discovered it   Visit Log


Dropped Off 6/4/2014 CatsOnCoasters placed it in SFGT: Baca-Bloom House Colorado - 132.91 miles  Visit Log
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