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For Iraq's Bad Boys

10 Oct 12 View Image Back in the US :-) 1 May 12 View Image TB_ 20 Apr 06 View Image GeoPig and Iraq's Bad Boys 4 Mar 06 View Image Tour Group MaxB's Esscorted Tb Tour Group "5 Millionth Mile Disco Party" dance the Hustle with TB Travolta Disco Troll (MaxB's 4,500 th TB Find) in celebration of MaxB moving Tb's over 5 Million Miles. Shown are TB's: Iraq's Bad Boys, Support our Troops, Wandering Union Soldier, Lawman's Star, Scamper the Camper, Travolta the Disco Troll, Smiley the Green Fish, Daffy is Ducky, Lips the Fishy, Shazu the Killer Whale, and In Memory of Zin.
4 Mar 06 View Image Bad Boys on the River Iraq's Bad Boys visits MaxB's on the St Joseph River in Michigan. 29 Dec 04 View Image A good guy with the bad boys 18 Jul 04 View Image Iraq's Bad Boys