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Travel Bug Dog Tag Kingprawn

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Kingprawnx Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Recently Spotted:
In Corporate Soup

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(DE) Hallo, mein Name ist "Kingprawn" die Wanderkrabbe Kempen´s . Da mein Besitzer ein großer Fan der USA Serie "The Deadliest Catch" im deutschen TV "Der gefährlichste Job Alaskas" ist, hat er mich auf die Reise geschickt eben diese Helden aus der Serie in Alaska/(Unalaska) in Dutch Harbor zu besuchen ! Schickt mich also bitte über den großen Teich in Richtung Alaska. Vielen Dank !

Bitte macht Fotos von meiner Reise und natrülich am Ziel in Dutch Harbor !

(EN) Hi, may name is"Kingprawn" the "Wandering Crab" of Kempen (Norhern Rhein - Westfalia) in Germany. My Owner is a big fan of the series "The Deadliest Catch", currently running in German TV and he has sent me on my way over the "Big Pond" to visit with, an greet the "Heroes" of the program in Dutch Harbour / Alaska (Unalaska). Thank you !

Please take some Pictures from my journey and of Course from Dutch Harbour !


About This Item


Dies ist mein erster TB....

This is my first TB.....

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Tracking History (13640.8mi) View Map

Dropped Off 10/11/2012 5-Bears placed it in Corporate Soup Illinois - 2,852.15 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 10/1/2012 5-Bears retrieved it from X-WORD PUZZLES ARE FUN.... Illinois   Visit Log

Retrieved him from a cache. Will be happy to move Kingprawn along soon.

Dropped Off 6/15/2012 MNM1011 placed it in X-WORD PUZZLES ARE FUN.... Illinois - 622.48 miles  Visit Log

Moved this guy a little closer to his goal. He might be here awhile as this is a tough cache to find.

Retrieve It from a Cache 6/13/2012 MNM1011 retrieved it from Fargo-Moorhead Bug-Tel East Minnesota   Visit Log

This guy is now headed to Illinois!

Dropped Off 6/8/2012 fly_boy72 placed it in Fargo-Moorhead Bug-Tel East Minnesota - 1,239.43 miles  Visit Log

Hope this will do better

Visited 6/6/2012 fly_boy72 took it to G.I. Joe Supplies & TB Hotel Idaho - 2,231.81 miles  Visit Log
Visited 5/29/2012 fly_boy72 took it to HEY---I Have A Name!!! Alaska - 1.27 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 5/29/2012 fly_boy72 retrieved it from Steel Pi #2 Alaska   Visit Log

Retrieved at Kingprawns request. I'll find a better home for it. If there is a preference it could be dropped in ID, WY, MT, ND, or MN in the next couple of weeks.

Dropped Off 3/26/2012 fly_boy72 placed it in Steel Pi #2 Alaska - 623.41 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/20/2012 fly_boy72 took it to Anchorage - Big Wild Life Alaska   Visit Log

Dipping this Traveler in the cache I found it in, so it gets credit for the miles and location!!

data on this page is cached for 3 mins