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Travel Bug Dog Tag Kingprawn

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Kingprawnx Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
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In Corporate Soup

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(DE) Hallo, mein Name ist "Kingprawn" die Wanderkrabbe Kempen´s . Da mein Besitzer ein großer Fan der USA Serie "The Deadliest Catch" im deutschen TV "Der gefährlichste Job Alaskas" ist, hat er mich auf die Reise geschickt eben diese Helden aus der Serie in Alaska/(Unalaska) in Dutch Harbor zu besuchen ! Schickt mich also bitte über den großen Teich in Richtung Alaska. Vielen Dank !

Bitte macht Fotos von meiner Reise und natrülich am Ziel in Dutch Harbor !

(EN) Hi, may name is"Kingprawn" the "Wandering Crab" of Kempen (Norhern Rhein - Westfalia) in Germany. My Owner is a big fan of the series "The Deadliest Catch", currently running in German TV and he has sent me on my way over the "Big Pond" to visit with, an greet the "Heroes" of the program in Dutch Harbour / Alaska (Unalaska). Thank you !

Please take some Pictures from my journey and of Course from Dutch Harbour !


About This Item


Dies ist mein erster TB....

This is my first TB.....

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Tracking History (13640.8mi) View Map

Retrieve It from a Cache 4/28/2011 Cowgalsal retrieved it from Ethan's Cache British Columbia, Canada   Visit Log

Chg va gur orfg fabj serr pnpur V pbhyq svaq va gur Jvyyvnzf Ynxr nern. V ernyvfrq gung V jnf jnl bire zl urnq jvgu guvf bapr V fgnegrq ybbxvat vagb vg, V fubhyq arire unir gnxra vg nf n ebbxvr Trbpnpure 😌 naq V pna bayl ubcr vg znxrf tbbq gvzr urnqvat abegu abj nf fbzr gbhevfgf ner fgnegvat gb znxr gurve jnl gb gur Nynfxn naq Lhxba rivqraprq ol gur srj zbgbeubzrf ba gur znva uvtujnl. Fcevat vf yngr fb qba'g or fhecevfrq vs vg fgvyy gnxrf n srj jrrxf, jr ner fpurqhyrq sbe fabj syheevrf fgvyy.

V unir cynprq vg va gur &dhbg;Lbhef gb qvfpbire&dhbg; pnpur va Jvyyvnzf Ynxr TP1DA9C. V jvyy hcybnq gur cubgbf V unir sebz Pnyvsbeavn naq Jvyyvnzf Ynxr va n frcnengr cbfg. Tbbq geniryf Xvatcenja!

Guvf ragel jnf rqvgrq ol Pbjtnyfny ba Guhefqnl, 28 Ncevy 2011 ng 21:57:26 HGP.

  • This is Kingprawn This is Kingprawn in 29 Palms southern California in late February enjoying warm weather before his jaunt north, waiting for the snow to melt!
  • Kingprawn enjoys the sunset In 29 Palms headed to Palm Springs and Desert Hotsprings in southern california in early March.
  • Spa Day before Heading North Kingprawn enjoys the last day in California Desert Hotsprings with the beautiful flowers, it will be cold in Canada with snow storms and -20C.
  • Cowgalsal says goodbye to Kingprawn Here is the best place to be for heading north out of Williams Lake.  Kingprawn is now enjoying this view of Signal Point, a first nations cultural site, from where they signalled to the village down the lake.  The building in the forefront is a worldclass log construciton by Pioneer Log Homes based here in Williams Lake, also home to the famous Rick Hansen, the man in motion.

Good Luck Kingprawn, you were my first Travel Bug and I made some mistakes with you but I hope you make it to Alaska
Dropped Off 2/13/2011 twinscache placed it in Ethan's Cache British Columbia, Canada - 1,770.95 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 1/23/2011 twinscache retrieved it from Shannon Falls British Columbia, Canada   Visit Log

Took this cool little guy will move along quickly.

Dropped Off 1/9/2011 NateDawgCC placed it in Shannon Falls British Columbia, Canada - 1,757.84 miles  Visit Log
  • On the way to Salt Lake City
  • On the way to Salt Lake City
  • On the way to Salt Lake City 1st class all the way
  • We made it to Salt Lake City
  • On the way to Seattle, WA
  • In Seattle, WA waiting to board the plane
  • On the way to Vancouver, B.C.
  • On the way to Vancouver, B.C.
  • On the way to Vancouver, B.C.
  • New home (for now) at Shannon Falls
Discovered It 1/1/2011 SWAseeker discovered it   Visit Log

Saw this one right before it was picked up my NateDawgcc

  • Under the Shade Tree
Retrieve It from a Cache 1/1/2011 NateDawgCC retrieved it from Shady Tree Cache Illinois   Visit Log

I'm going to Vancouver British Columbia In a week, I'll take this little guy with.

Dropped Off 1/1/2011 How-D placed it in Shady Tree Cache Illinois - 13.78 miles  Visit Log
  • Kingprawn at "Shady Tree Cache" Dipped it briefly in this cache so that it could picked up and taken to Canada by another member of the hunting party I was with.
Write note 12/4/2010 How-D posted a note for it   Visit Log

I thought Kingprawn would appreciate seeing some of the sculptures in the St. Louis area while on his trip to Alaska.

  • Taking in the 'Gox "B"' by Ernest Trova
  • Closeup of Kingprawn
  • At "The Awakening" Can you see Kingprawn in the picture?
  • Kingprawn at "The Awakening"
Retrieve It from a Cache 11/27/2010 How-D retrieved it from The Corps of Discovery Idaho   Visit Log

Ha! Interesting and funny looking little TB.

Dropped Off 11/20/2010 jingleheimers placed it in The Corps of Discovery Idaho - 11.39 miles  Visit Log
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