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Travel Bug Dog Tag Jilly Beans

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henj3 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Monday, January 30, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
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Unknown Location

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Current Goal

To join the Great Canadian Race 2006 and visit every 10 out of 13 province/territory as fast as I can before the other "travel bug" racers; race starts 1 March 06.

About This Item

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    Tracking History (21648.7mi) View Map

    Retrieve It from a Cache 6/12/2009 papi50 retrieved it from Mon p'tit coeur Québec, Canada   Visit Log

    Quelques jours de repos et on reprend la route.

    Dropped Off 6/8/2009 zabi placed it in Mon p'tit coeur Québec, Canada - 5.84 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 8/3/2008 zabi retrieved it from La marina de Laval-Sur-Le-lac - M35 #052 Québec, Canada   Visit Log

    picked it up in Laval... will move it to a new location soon!!!

    • Laval-sur-le-lac
    Dropped Off 8/2/2008 lesden placed it in La marina de Laval-Sur-Le-lac - M35 #052 Québec, Canada - 6.54 miles  Visit Log
    Write note 6/28/2008 lesden posted a note for it   Visit Log

    Just read the note about the race. Jilly Beans will not be part of our travel next week. I will try to help you go to anoter province instead.

    Retrieve It from a Cache 6/28/2008 lesden retrieved it from La cache à bonis Québec, Canada   Visit Log

    Retrieve it in my first PAT (First to find). Will travel to France next week.

    Dropped Off 6/27/2008 papougaetan placed it in La cache à bonis Québec, Canada - 5.38 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 6/26/2008 papougaetan retrieved it from La nouvelle rue (D38) Québec, Canada   Visit Log

    In another spot very soon

    Dropped Off 6/25/2008 tipete placed it in La nouvelle rue (D38) Québec, Canada - 6,605.49 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 6/13/2008 tipete retrieved it from TechnOLOGY (Central London) London, United Kingdom   Visit Log

    Wanted to let you know the TB commuted through London UK while layover. Lots of small caches, could not have fitted in this virtual one.
    So right now, it is resuming its travel to Canada.
    TB must travel!
    Bon voyage!
    Pierre (Tipete)

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