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Travel Bug Dog Tag Jilly Beans

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henj3 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Monday, January 30, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
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Unknown Location

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Current Goal

To join the Great Canadian Race 2006 and visit every 10 out of 13 province/territory as fast as I can before the other "travel bug" racers; race starts 1 March 06.

About This Item

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Gallery Images related to Jilly Beans

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    Tracking History (21648.7mi) View Map

    Dropped Off 10/4/2007 Doba placed it in H7K 3N6 Québec, Canada - 324.18 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 10/2/2007 Doba retrieved it from L'imposteur du Chemin du Golf Québec, Canada   Visit Log

    Found at Drummondville, Quebec.

    Discovered It 9/20/2007 The Everesters discovered it   Visit Log

    Nous l'avons découvert dans la cache de l'imposteur du golf lors d'une visite de maintenance.

    Dropped Off 9/9/2007 GeoCamo-qc placed it in L'imposteur du Chemin du Golf Québec, Canada - 39.63 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 9/8/2007 GeoCamo-qc retrieved it from L'Estriade - Sur le lac Waterloo Québec, Canada   Visit Log

    Pris ce TB pour le déposer dans une autre cache

    Dropped Off 9/2/2007 the others 87 placed it in L'Estriade - Sur le lac Waterloo Québec, Canada - 388.46 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 7/21/2007 the others 87 retrieved it from Dunnville Soccer Park Ontario, Canada   Visit Log

    I've left Ontario to go east. We,re am'I going now!!!! See you soon........

    Dropped Off 6/11/2007 aardvarklad placed it in Dunnville Soccer Park Ontario, Canada - 47.58 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 6/10/2007 aardvarklad retrieved it from Front Road Tour: Port Rowan Ontario, Canada   Visit Log

    Moving on.... very soon!

    Dropped Off 6/2/2007 PumpkinOneA placed it in Front Road Tour: Port Rowan Ontario, Canada - 75.58 miles  Visit Log
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