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Travel Bug Dog Tag Agent Fox Mulder

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pigpen5 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Monday, June 22, 2009
California, United States
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of M/V Viking.

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Current Goal

Agent Mulder's mission is to travel from Sacramento, California to every state in the Union, where the boys of the FBI have offices. Destination is round-trip, ending at GC1RJJW (Time in the Slammer cache)!

About This Item

Agent Fox Mulder

Agent Fox Mulder enroute to all states with FBI offices. If you can, snap a mugshot of where he has travelled and list on the site.

Gallery Images related to Agent Fox Mulder

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Tracking History (1854.5mi) View Map

Retrieve It from a Cache 4/10/2010 M/V Viking retrieved it from Plight of Sisyphus California   Visit Log

I rendezvoused with agent Mulder in Monterey. We'll be leaving for Washington State today. He mentioned something about having some business to take care of there. 😎

Discovered It 4/5/2010 threshergirl discovered it   Visit Log

Right where it's supposed to be.

Dropped Off 4/4/2010 CerebroMater placed it in Plight of Sisyphus California - 78.1 miles  Visit Log
Discovered It 4/2/2010 geodarts discovered it   Visit Log

Forgot to log this one after I picked it up and dropped it. But the truth is out there.

Retrieve It from a Cache 4/2/2010 CerebroMater retrieved it from JALQUIN VISTA California   Visit Log

Found this guy hanging out at JALQUIN VISTA looking at the approaching storm clouds...

Dropped Off 4/2/2010 CerebroMater placed it in JALQUIN VISTA California - 4.92 miles  Visit Log
Grab It (Not from a Cache) 4/1/2010 CerebroMater grabbed it   Visit Log

Not sure how it got to JALQUIN VISTA, but I'll dip it in there to restart it's mileage.

Dropped Off 10/24/2009 debill placed it in Cacheridge California - 684.67 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 10/8/2009 debill retrieved it from Geocaching Headquarters Washington   Visit Log

Picked up this TB while visiting the "Mother Ship". We will move it along shortly.

Dropped Off 9/22/2009 The GTs placed it in Geocaching Headquarters Washington - 478.36 miles  Visit Log

Seattle definitely has a Fibbie office, and Groundspeak HQ seemed like a great spot to place Agent Mulder -- it's where the action is!

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