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Travel Bug Dog Tag Agent Fox Mulder

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pigpen5 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Monday, June 22, 2009
California, United States
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of M/V Viking.

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Current Goal

Agent Mulder's mission is to travel from Sacramento, California to every state in the Union, where the boys of the FBI have offices. Destination is round-trip, ending at GC1RJJW (Time in the Slammer cache)!

About This Item

Agent Fox Mulder

Agent Fox Mulder enroute to all states with FBI offices. If you can, snap a mugshot of where he has travelled and list on the site.

Gallery Images related to Agent Fox Mulder

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Tracking History (1854.5mi) View Map

Retrieve It from a Cache 8/17/2009 The GTs retrieved it from BIG BEAR'S T.B. HOTEL California   Visit Log

Mulder seems to have lost his left hand. Unfortunately, we can only give him a hand with his mission. We will drop him when we return home from our road trip.

Dropped Off 8/16/2009 thedawdlers placed it in BIG BEAR'S T.B. HOTEL California - 385.6 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 7/27/2009 thedawdlers retrieved it from Oh Ammo Can, Oh Ammo Can Oregon   Visit Log

Well, it looks like agent Fox Mulder is going back to California.

Dropped Off 7/27/2009 ManyMuchMoosen placed it in Oh Ammo Can, Oh Ammo Can Oregon - 208.42 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 7/25/2009 ManyMuchMoosen retrieved it from Drive-Up Travel Bug Swap Stop Oregon   Visit Log

I'm here to add miles to agent mulder's travels. I've taken him to salem and i'll be placing him asap.

Dropped Off 7/24/2009 flstf-rider placed it in Drive-Up Travel Bug Swap Stop Oregon - 106.17 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 7/11/2009 flstf-rider retrieved it from Crash-N-Burn Washington   Visit Log

Will move this along to a travel bug depot or the Oregon, a different state than where it was found.

Dropped Off 7/7/2009 pigpen5 placed it in Crash-N-Burn Washington   Visit Log
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