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Amis de Milan Geocoin

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Mircosee Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Sunday, March 20, 2022
Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of rilou17.

This is not collectible.

Use TB2F14H to reference this item.

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Current Goal

Let this coin travel through Italy.

Please post as many pictures on its way as possible.

About This Item

No additional details available.

Tracking History (15345.4mi) View Map

Discovered It 1/9/2024 Momo2605 discovered it   Visit Log

Ein Nachlog aus dem Sommer. Diesen TB-Code haben wir in /um/auf/vor oder nach dem Wikinger-Mega in Schleswig gesehen. Vielen Dank fürs Zeigen, liebe Grüße von Momo2605

Discovered It 12/29/2023 ESSP0317 discovered it   Visit Log


Retrieve It from a Cache 12/28/2023 rilou17 retrieved it from L'arrière du phare Normandie, France   Visit Log

Direction l'Eure et Loir

Dropped Off 12/13/2023 gourmand14 placed it in L'arrière du phare Normandie, France - 153.91 miles  Visit Log
Grab It (Not from a Cache) 12/2/2023 gourmand14 grabbed it   Visit Log

Vu lors de l’évent : GNAC 38 Bonjour l'Hiver,
Il repartira dans les prochains jours de mon TB’s Hôtel.

Visited 12/1/2023 méthodes50 took it to Le Noël des Géocacheurs Normands - 9ème Edition Normandie, France - 1.16 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/30/2023 méthodes50 took it to GNAC 38 Bonjour l'Hiver Normandie, France - 218.76 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/28/2023 méthodes50 took it to Beny-s-Mer Normandie, France - 201.56 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/28/2023 méthodes50 took it to # Menhir du camp de César Pays de la Loire, France - 51.59 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/28/2023 méthodes50 took it to Hill 145 Hauts-de-France, France - 293.49 miles  Visit Log
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