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Amis de Milan Geocoin

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Mircosee Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Sunday, March 20, 2022
Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of rilou17.

This is not collectible.

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Current Goal

Let this coin travel through Italy.

Please post as many pictures on its way as possible.

About This Item

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Tracking History (15345.4mi) View Map

Retrieve It from a Cache 9/14/2022 Maedchen100 retrieved it from 34 Bike or Hike Region Syddanmark, Denmark   Visit Log

weiter geht's... 🙂

Visited 9/13/2022 Maedchen100 took it to 111er Challenge - der Reisecacher Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - 1.41 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/13/2022 Maedchen100 took it to Deutschlands Nachbarn - Challenge-Cache Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - 1.51 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/13/2022 Maedchen100 took it to 111er Challenge - der Naturfreund Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - 1.55 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/13/2022 Maedchen100 took it to Wiehnacht 2016 - Nur noch twölf mal slopen Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - 2.52 miles  Visit Log
Dropped Off 9/11/2022 Geo_Karotten placed it in 34 Bike or Hike Region Syddanmark, Denmark - 46.54 miles  Visit Log

Statt in Österreich ist er nun nach Dänemark gereist 🤷🥕🥕🇩🇰🇩🇪

Retrieve It from a Cache 6/10/2022 Geo_Karotten retrieved it from Der sportliche Vogel Schleswig-Holstein, Germany   Visit Log

Der gute Coin macht sich nun endlich Mal auf die Reise. Nächste Woche geht es nach Österreich. Dann ist Italien auch nicht mehr weit ;-)

Dropped Off 3/20/2022 Mircosee placed it in Der sportliche Vogel Schleswig-Holstein, Germany   Visit Log
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