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Travel Bug Dog Tag Gilbert Newton Lewis Nanomole

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NDPeter Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Friday, May 25, 2007
Pennsylvania, United States
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In the hands of charlzard.

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Current Goal

I am a chemist in training. I would like to visit universities around the United States. If possible, I’d love to visit the Chemistry Building on each campus and learn about the science being done there.

I’d like to have my picture taken at each school and lab I visit.

About This Item

Gilbert Newton Lewis Nanomole

G. N. LewisGilbert Newton Lewis (1875-1946) was an American chemist who helped to develop the Valence Bond Theory that is fundamental to the understanding of chemistry today. In addition he was instrumental in developing the field of thermodynamics that is useful in the description of the interactions of heat and energy with chemical systems. This allows the prediciton of how well reactions will proceed.

Students of chemistry in today's classes may remember him more for his acid/base theory. Following Arrhenius' definition (H+ & OH-) and then the Brönsted-Lowry definition (proton donor & proton acceptor) Lewis accounted for an even wider range of acids and bases by describing acids and bases as electron donors and electron acceptors respectively. This definition is used daily by organic chemists in designing the synthesis of complex molecules, perhaps most importantly in helping to create stereochemically pure molecules. An example of the importance of this is in pharmaceuticals. One example is the drug thalidomide. There are both right- and left-handed versions of this compound called enantiomers. (This link also contains information on other pharmaceuticals which are "single-handed.") One enantiomer of thalidomide is teratogenic meaning it caused terrible birth defects. The other was recently reapproved by the FDA in its pure "single-handed" form for the treatment of multiple myeloma among other things. (See here)

For a short biography of Lewis and other influential chemists you should check out the Chemical Heritage site.

AvogadroTo learn more about my mission, and meet my fellow junior chemists, see Avogadro's page. He's the one who gave my buddies and me our missions. Some day I hope to be a full grown mole like him!

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Tracking History (3284.5mi) View Map

Retrieve It from a Cache 2/1/2009 charlzard retrieved it from The Pirate's Stand California   Visit Log

Found this little guy in a neighborhood cache shivering, starving for knowledge. We will take him on a whirlwind tour of the local colleges and drop him off near the Interstate so he can continue his journey.

Discovered It 1/10/2009 SunBerry discovered it   Visit Log

Since it was in my cache thought I'd check it out. left it in my cache but cool idea. I live very close to UCDMC so I figure there are enough of us in the area it would get there soon enough. I did upgrade the baggie to an airtight one. this way you won't need to take it out to log it... SunBerry

Dropped Off 1/3/2009 bikeracerjohn placed it in The Pirate's Stand California - 131.13 miles  Visit Log

We didn't get him to any laboratories, but we left him in a cool neighborhood cache.

[This entry was edited by seiujohn on Saturday, January 03, 2009 at 8:53:49 PM.]

Retrieve It from a Cache 12/22/2008 bikeracerjohn retrieved it from Zamora Travel Bug Inn California   Visit Log

The only science going on at my place is probably in the fridge. I'm gonna dump that stuff out one of these days, honest. We'll see if we can find a nice TB hotel along I-80, and maybe he can head east to the University of Iowa. Go Hawkeyes.

Dropped Off 12/19/2008 Jug & Roon placed it in Zamora Travel Bug Inn California - 106.7 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 11/22/2008 Jug & Roon retrieved it from Bad Badtz-Maru's Travelbug Depot California   Visit Log

We live near the University of Davis so we'll have some good times with G.N. Lewis Nanomole. He's been burrowing in some tight spaces and doesn't have his plump round figure anymore, we'll see if we can fatten him up.

Dropped Off 9/7/2008 scubafrog placed it in Bad Badtz-Maru's Travelbug Depot California - 276.47 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 9/3/2008 scubafrog retrieved it from Knick Knack Paddy Whack… California   Visit Log

Picked up at Knick Knack Paddy Whack this morning. Will take to one of the Universities close to me and hopefully get a Photo too. I don't do a lot of chemistry where I work but do have some construction type chemicals to show him. I will give him a welding lesson and teach him some metal properties while he is with me.

Dropped Off 8/25/2008 nuttyorey72 placed it in Knick Knack Paddy Whack… California - 6.36 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 8/13/2008 nuttyorey72 retrieved it from Hyde and Ivy on the Bank of the Mighty River California   Visit Log

Picked you up with the intent to go further our education.

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