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Advertising with Geocaching

Geocaching offers both regionally-targeted and global Web Banner Advertising solutions for organizations around the world.


Geocaching has a broad global reach:

  • Average unique users: 3 million per month
  • Average monthly visits: 10 million
  • Average pages per visit: 13
  • Geographic distribution: Global, with concentrations in North America and Europe


Targeted advertising can be specific to a country, region or browser language.

Banner Ad Specifications

We prefer advertising from companies whose products and services relate to the activity of geocaching. This includes outdoor activities, health, exercise, travel, adventure, gaming, entertainment and technology. We utilize family-friendly ad networks to fill our excess banner ad inventory.

We currently support two banner sizes: 250x250 pixels and 160x600 pixels (dimensions are width x height). Animated GIF banners are permitted with a maximum of 3 rotations. File size for banners may be up to 40kb. You may submit multiple banner advertisements for your banner campaign in .jpg or .gif format.

Information & Getting Started

To inquire about banner advertising or other promotional opportunities, please send an email to Please include your contact information as well as a description of the product, service and company to be advertised. We look forward to working with you.