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Tuesday, April 25, 2006
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My mission is visiting interesting places, where no ordinary people can go. If you have entrance permission to some "restricted area" please take me there and take a photo on me if you can. But if you can't take me to places like that, take me anywhere you like, and take photos on me.
(What I call interesting place: big factory, director's office, nuclear reactor, military base, radio station, server room, power plant, etc ...)
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Irisatko discovered it
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Dělám úklid ve fotkách. Opisuji a loguji TB vyfocené za posledních víc než 13 let různě po eventech a keších, kódy z logbooků, ze seznamů zveřejněných na eventech a podobně. Děkuji
nimir discovered it
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I'm cleaning in the photos. I describe and log TBs photographed in the last more than 13 years variously after events and caches, codes from logbooks, from lists published at events and the like. Thank you
philcoc57 discovered it
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Vu lors de l'EVENT au pied du Château
Très belle collection, merci
ArdentEnthusiast discovered it
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macikupac posted a note for it
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Marvin isn't GCFHID. Sorry.
stoone discovered it
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Marvin started his journey in a hungaryan cache, which unfortunately isn't on yet, it's name is GCFHID, and it's coodrinates are N 47° 48,2550' E 18° 59,5870'.
data on this page is cached for 3 mins