TB8NAD5 [Coordinate Address Link] ▼
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My mission is to travel from cache to cache and win The great Slovenian TB race 2018, by collecting the greatest traveled distance in a year time.
My name is Senna The Cat and I'm participating in the Great Slovenian TB race 2018. Pleas help me on my way from cache to cache by moving me as fast and as far away as possible.The TB with the greatest traveled distance till September the 15-th 2018, will win the race. I believe I can do it! After all, I'm Senna The Cat
Gallery Images related to Senna The Cat Senna The Cat Senna The CatView All 18 Gallery Images
So hier endet unsere gemeinsame Reise. Ich hoffe, ich findet ein seriöser Geocacher.
Bummel durch St. Petersburg
Meißen, Sachsen
A 44 Richtung Süden
Bierstadt Dirtmund
Grüne Luft in Schleusingen atmen
Mainz 05 schon VFL Wolfsburg
Besuch in Heidelberg
Nehmen dich mit auf unsere Reise
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