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Travel Bug Dog Tag Der rasende Falke

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Clooney Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
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In the hands of dutzanu.

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[Deutsch:] Dieser TB ist Teil einer kleinen Geschichte zu der noch zwei weitere TBs und ein Cache gehören. Unter "About this item" findet ihr die Links dorthin. Die Geschichte findet ihr im Cache. [English:] This TB is part of a small story of two further TBs and a cache. Under "About this item" you will find the Links. The story can be found in the Cache.

About This Item

Der Falke und R2D2

[Deutsch:]Der rasende Falke soll von Cache zu Cache fliegen auf der Suche nach Dingen oder Orten, die mit Star Wars zu tun haben. Hierbei soll möglichst alles fotografiert werden, was er findet. Der rasende Falke ist eines der schnellsten und am besten ausgerüstete Schiffe der Galaxis. Es machte den Korsalflug in 12 Parasec. Mal seh'n, wie schnell es auf der Erde fliegt. Möge die Macht mit ihm sein!

[English:]The Millennium Falcon will be flying from Cache to Cache on search of things or places, witch will be to do with Star Wars. Please make pictures from all he found about Star Wars. The Millennium Falcon ist one of the fastest and best equipped ships in the galaxy. It did the korsalflight in 12 parasec. Have a look how fast it is on earth. And may the force be with it!

Links to TBs and Cache: Cache, Der rasende Falke, Han Solo, Darth Vader

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Tracking History (16110mi) View Map

Retrieve It from a Cache 11/8/2013 dutzanu retrieved it from Kalinderu Romania   Visit Log

Took it for a ride

Dropped Off 10/6/2013 Oby One placed it in Kalinderu Romania - 69.96 miles  Visit Log
Grab It (Not from a Cache) 10/6/2013 Oby One grabbed it   Visit Log

found it and placed it somewere else

Dropped Off 9/10/2012 Oby One placed it in Trainspotting Romania - 3.57 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/8/2012 Oby One took it to Clabucetul Taurului Romania - 75.03 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/8/2012 Oby One took it to We've got cycling jerseys ! Romania - .34 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/4/2012 Oby One took it to Iris Romania - 133.68 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/26/2012 Oby One took it to Johanniskirche Romania - .11 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/26/2012 Oby One took it to Catedrala Ortodoxă Romania - .54 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/26/2012 Oby One took it to SIBI...GOGUE Romania - .65 miles  Visit Log
data on this page is cached for 3 mins