Filbert's Frequent Flyer Card #3
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Saturday, August 14, 2004
South Australia, Australia
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In the hands of thetrueyeti.
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Filbert Geocache....well he's an ‘anorak’, in particular a plane spotter! He devotes all his spare time visiting the observation decks of airports around the world.
Clutching a well-worn note book Filbert religiously records the registration details of any commercial aircraft he spots. Filbert also likes to collect airline memorabilia - safety demonstration cards, sick bags and luggage tags just to name a few.
It comes as no surprise Filbert is a member of just about every frequent flyer program he can sign up to! Filbert is happiest when he is flying, ensconced in an economy class seat, sipping his free beverage, racking up the frequent flyer points and recording every trivial detail of the flight in his note book!
Add to Filbert’s happiness by taking his frequent flyer card #3 TB on your next flight, whether its for business or pleasure. Be sure to record all the details - the flight number, plane model and rego, departing airport, destination and flying time! Look out for Filbert's other frequent flyer cards #1, #2, #4, #5, #6,
#9, #10, #11,
#13, &
#14, on your travels.
"Hey, did you know that Japan Airlines has more than 280 aircraft and flies daily from Tokyo and Osaka to Brisbane and Sydney and...."
"Filbert, Just shutup!"
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Tracking History (21733.1mi) View Map
thetrueyeti grabbed it
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grabbed from minismiths last night, on its way to germany, and ??? will definately have frequent flyer miles!!!
minismiths grabbed it
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Going to its first floating airport.
seabeeray retrieved it from Silver Strand #1
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Will travel back to Norfolk so it could travel on Aircraft carrier.
seabeeray placed it in Silver Strand #1
- 1,658.59 miles
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seabeeray grabbed it
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Grab it for a trip to San Diego.
minismiths retrieved it from Virginia Beach Arboretum-Dare to Muggle!
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Cant guarantee that I can get him on an aircraft but if the owner would like it I can get him on the flight deck of a aircraft carrier and on the bridge where the Captains controls flight operations. If this would suffice please let me know.
drat19 placed it in Virginia Beach Arboretum-Dare to Muggle!
- 863.71 miles
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drat19 retrieved it from Pennzoil Park
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TarribleT placed it in Pennzoil Park
- 1,117.93 miles
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TarribleT retrieved it from The Apple – Happy Cache
Ontario, Canada
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I will be taking this TB down to the Mississippi Gulf Coast, Biloxi, MS, USA. I will see how much mileage I can put on him in the next month.
Thanks, Terry T., Biloxi, MS
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