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Travel Bug Dog Tag eMail

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José Constantino Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Thursday, June 17, 2004
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Unknown Location

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Current Goal

eMail Travel Bug Goals:
1 – Its main goal is to visit 5 European Countries (or more) from these: Holland, Belgium, Germany, England, Luxembourg, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, France, Spain and Portugal.
2 – It would love to visit and be photographed near famous monuments in these Coutries like for exemple Paris Eiffel Tower, Brussels Atomium, London Big Ben, etc. The photos may be added to the logs, and/or eMailed to its creator (
3 – Finally, its goal is to be dropped on a cache in PORTUGAL near Lisbon.

About This Item

Created in PORTUGAL by José Constantino (jamtino) – June 2004.
Its name came from the item itself, which is a metal “snail mail” opener with a shape of an "AT" character (used for eMail adresses). The eMail name is not related to its mission or goal.

Gallery Images related to eMail

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Tracking History (14100.2mi) View Map

Mark Missing 1/26/2016 9eo marked it as missing   Visit Log

This is an automated message. This Trackable has been marked 'missing' by a cache owner or site administrator. Trackables are marked missing when it is determined that they are no longer located in the cache they are listed in or in the hands of the current holder. Review the most recent logs on this Trackable to learn more information about its current state.

Write note 9/8/2014 Captain Morgan posted a note for it   Visit Log

TB is disappered

Write note 2/13/2014 JJOH64 posted a note for it   Visit Log

Didn`t see this TB in cache. Only chain was there.

Dropped Off 5/6/2013 9eo placed it in Lempoinen Pirkanmaa, Finland - 30.63 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 4/30/2013 9eo retrieved it from Valkosiipi Pirkanmaa, Finland   Visit Log

Travel continues...

Dropped Off 4/21/2013 pi-ta placed it in Valkosiipi Pirkanmaa, Finland   Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 4/21/2013 pi-ta retrieved it from Valkosiipi Pirkanmaa, Finland   Visit Log

It is now in Finland...

Dropped Off 4/21/2013 pi-ta placed it in Valkosiipi Pirkanmaa, Finland - 2.25 miles  Visit Log
Visited 4/20/2013 pi-ta took it to Kenkäpitäjä Pirkanmaa, Finland   Visit Log
Visited 4/20/2013 pi-ta took it to Kenkäpitäjä Pirkanmaa, Finland - .6 miles  Visit Log
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