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Travel Bug Dog Tag Farenheit-Celsius TB

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Haaskalintu Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Thursday, February 15, 2007
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Unknown Location

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Current Goal

My name is Farenheit-Celsius TB. My mission is to travel around the world in different climatical circumstances. When you drop me I want you to do 2 things:

1) write down the temperature, convert it to Celcius and log it here. Feel free to describe the climatical conditions more widely if you want

2) take a photo nearby the cache you drop me. Try to show the weather as well as you can.


About This Item


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Gallery Images related to Farenheit-Celsius TB

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Tracking History (2871.7mi) View Map

Write note 7/13/2015 jakaranda posted a note for it   Visit Log

Not in cache

Write note 10/19/2012 LQ posted a note for it   Visit Log

Onko tämä tarkoituksellisesti odottamassa haudankaivajia ja Liimekselle kerrottu seurantakoodi?
Jos ei, niin tämä kannattaa merkitä kadonneeksi ='unknown location'. Kiitos.

Dropped Off 7/24/2009 Haaskalintu placed it in Otaniemi Travel Bug Graveyard Uusimaa, Finland - 1,355.55 miles  Visit Log
Grab It (Not from a Cache) 7/24/2009 Haaskalintu grabbed it   Visit Log

hautausmaalle mennään

Dropped Off 5/30/2008 johnsail placed it in Barcode and the Beast United Kingdom - 103.08 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 5/29/2008 johnsail retrieved it from Hyde and Seek Southern England, United Kingdom   Visit Log

Nice easy find but very steep climb to cache site. Retrieved celsius travel bug. Drop another travel bug. Will move on ASAP.

Dropped Off 5/5/2008 joeyjumperhead placed it in Hyde and Seek Southern England, United Kingdom - 108.33 miles  Visit Log

Dropped off today at our own cache near home. Temperature gauge is stuck. The real temperature was about 16 degrees c and very muggy. It rained on the walk back home.

  • Joey, Daddy, Tim and Lali, facing South
  • Martin,Joey, Daddy, Tim and Lali, facing South
Retrieve It from a Cache 4/13/2008 joeyjumperhead retrieved it from The Quaker Meeting-House - Come-to-Good. South West England, United Kingdom   Visit Log

Found today. Will take to Dorset, see if we can get if off 70 degrees.

Dropped Off 3/27/2008 jandgee placed it in The Quaker Meeting-House - Come-to-Good. South West England, United Kingdom - 10.43 miles  Visit Log
Write note 3/27/2008 jandgee posted a note for it   Visit Log

Placed the TB in a very handy cache near to where I live. I got a nice surprise as it was a really nice walk and not what I had expected at all after the original co-ordinates for the Quaker House. The temperature seems to be stuck on 70 degrees F but I measured the temperature at the cache site anyway - 56 degrees F - which I reckon is about 13 degrees C. I took a picture in the area.

  • Quaker House
  • Sheep grazing near to the cache
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