Forces-of-Nature Surf Bus
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Thursday, December 21, 2006
United Kingdom
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Unknown Location
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The Forces-of-Nature Surf Bus would like to travel to beaches in the UK, particularly those where people surf, windsurf and kitesurf. Please post photos of the beaches here and if possible add photos and beach descriptions to the Forces-of-Nature Beach Guide.
No additional details available.
Gallery Images related to Forces-of-Nature Surf Bus
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Tracking History (1612.2mi) View Map
G6OUT marked it as missing
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This Trackable has been marked 'missing' by a cache owner or site administrator. Trackables are marked missing when it is determined that they are no longer located in the cache they are listed in or in the hands of the current holder. Review the most recent logs on this Trackable to learn more information about its current state.
The Quietly Crew posted a note for it
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No sign of this in Sunny Slopes. :(
Amphourous placed it in Sunny Slopes
North West England, United Kingdom
- 16.47 miles
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Amphourous retrieved it from I Walk The Line (Again)
North West England, United Kingdom
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Thought this travel bug was quite nice and loved learning about were it wants to travel and were its got to stay. Will take it to a beach ASAP!
Goju Ryu placed it in I Walk The Line (Again)
North West England, United Kingdom
- 10.36 miles
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fellsmanhiker discovered it
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Logging TB as a discovered,Thanks.sorry about the paste.
Tashington discovered it
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Logging TB as a discovered,Thanks.
Mrs.Cakeworthy. discovered it
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Logging TB as a discovered,Thanks.
Pearly Spencer discovered it
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Logging TB as a discovered,Thanks.
Goju Ryu retrieved it from windywalney
North West England, United Kingdom
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On our daily walk around the Northern point of the Island we stopped at the windywalney cache and picked up this nice coin,Thanks.
data on this page is cached for 3 mins