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Travel Bug Dog Tag Happy leaf - stvorlistok

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Igi Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Friday, September 26, 2003
Recently Spotted:
In Cemetery TB

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Current Goal

Happy leaf wants to bring happiness to all, he wants to travell to big cities, go to USA, see N.Y., L.A. ... may be go to Hawai

About This Item

happy leaf and its logbook

Plaese e-mail me photos of his trip to mato(at)
and make note to logbook travelling with him. ... ...

Stvorlistok chce prinasat stastie kazdemu, chce cestovat do Ameriky a vidiet velke mesta, New York, Los Angeles ... mozno ist na Hawai.

Nechajte odkaz v knizocke, ktora s nim cestuje a poslite mi fotku mailom na

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Tracking History (23211.4mi) View Map

Discovered It 5/17/2014 Almuphisa discovered it   Visit Log

Joli ce beau TB ! Merci de le partager ! Salutations cordiales de la Belgique et bon été géocaching !

Write note 5/23/2010 margcz posted a note for it   Visit Log

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A cache containing your trackable item has been archived. The trackable's last known location was the geocache GC17Q3A ( ). You may be able to determine more about the cache and your trackable item's status by reading the most recent logs on the cache page. If you cannot determine the current location of your trackable item, you should mark it 'missing' on its reference page.

Dropped Off 12/2/2007 Igi placed it in Cemetery TB Olomoucký kraj, Czechia - 5,335.69 miles  Visit Log
Grab It (Not from a Cache) 12/2/2007 Igi grabbed it   Visit Log

Tento TB presuniem do Cemetery TB na zasluzily odpocinok.
Ked som mu pisal ciel dostat sa do Ameriky a vidiet velke mesta ako New York a Los Angeles, ani som netusil, ze sa ku mne vrati a prave ja ho tam vyveziem. Takze sa dostal nazad ku mne a zobral som ho do Chicaga a potom nechal v New Yorku. Tak sa dostal na Vierkin oblubeny ostrov Princa Eduarda v Kanade, kde vyrastala Anna zo Zeleneho domu. Potom putoval znova do USA a dostal sa k MaxB on the River do Michiganu a k Markymu do San Francisca, kde od nich dostal ich tagy. Nakoniec sa stratil v Santa Monica nedaleko Los Angeles po 27575 km putovania. Zaujimavostou je, ze bol na evente v Californii, kde bol aj moj iny TB Pistalka, ktory s nim pricestoval do Ameriky a rozisli sa v Chicagu.

Dropped Off 3/5/2006 baetispress placed it in Huffin' & Puffin' California - 844.46 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 2/24/2006 baetispress retrieved it from -TwoCs- Granary Cache Colorado   Visit Log

Since the Happy Leaf wants to see L.A., I'll bring it with me next weekend to live the Hollywood lifestyle with my famous screenwriter sister-in-law.

Dropped Off 1/13/2006 Campfishandhike placed it in -TwoCs- Granary Cache Colorado - 940.94 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 1/3/2006 Campfishandhike retrieved it from Sanchez Lagoon #1 California   Visit Log

Picked up happy leaf - stvorlistok and he will be headed for Colorado soon! Hope he likes to ski!

Dropped Off 1/2/2006 frivlas placed it in Sanchez Lagoon #1 California - 30.25 miles  Visit Log
Grab It (Not from a Cache) 1/2/2006 frivlas grabbed it   Visit Log

Grabbing this from hubby so I can get it dropped in a cache near San Francisco. I thought I would be able to get it closer, but no luck.

data on this page is cached for 3 mins