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Travel Bug Dog Tag Yellow Hummer Brian

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blunoz Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, July 1, 2006
Virginia, United States
Recently Spotted:
In Dark Park

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Current Goal

To find someone who will take me with them to the coolest, funnest geocaches and document your adventures in my log book.

I was set loose at the same time as my pals, Greg and Quinn, to explore the world through geocaching adventures.

About This Item

Those White Jeep Travel Bugs are such coveted trophies of geocaching, people tend to hang onto them or put them in really hard to find caches. So we thought these Hummers were just as cool as the toy Jeeps and thought people would be more willing to let these continue to pass hands from one cacher to the next.

"Oooooh, a BIG kid! Do you think WE'LL ever grow THAT big???"

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Tracking History (2507.9mi) View Map

Discovered It 11/30/2015 -Atreyu- discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered it online. Thank you for sharing.

Discovered It 8/18/2015 nrohcs discovered it   Visit Log

nachlog, vielen dank fürs zeigen; wo gesehen kann leider nicht mehr genau eruiert werden

Write note 2/25/2007 buckfamily posted a note for it   Visit Log

The Dark Park Cache has quite a following with the neighborhood kids. I grew up in this neighborhood and my parents still live there. So when we go over to visit, my own kids now play with the neighborhood kids. And running up to the park to check on the cache (that my oldest son created) and playing at the playground is of course on the top of their to do list. Listening to the stories of what they find in the cache, they did describe a cool yellow hummer. Maybe too cool, as it was swooped up quite quickly by Julia, age 7, who (hopefully) still has it. I'm not sure Julia has ever been introduced to Geocaching, other than knowing to check the cache in the park, and knowing that she has to trade for anything she finds. And unfortunately, I'm quite sure she doesn't know what to do with a travel bug, even if the dog tag has instructions. Only kids were there when she found it, and only by chance did I notice the travel bug icon in the Dark Park Cache Map and put two and two together with the Hummer. I'll pass along an e-mail to my parents. Maybe they can coax it out of her. Recent enough that she should still have it. The trick will be convincing her to let it go. Or getting her to be the one that sends the hummer to a new cache. Too bad there wasn't another cache near by that would allow her to do this. Maybe we can bring a cache to her, next time we visit my parents. We're in the process of making one, and we could figure out something that she'd want to trade for.

To be continued...

Dropped Off 2/4/2007 MotorBug placed it in Dark Park California - 5.43 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 2/1/2007 MotorBug retrieved it from Trees For The Future California   Visit Log

Where else should a hummer be except near trees-- or a gas station! 😛 I heard today that the US military is not ordering any more of these as they use too much fuel.

Dropped Off 2/1/2007 The Rat placed it in Trees For The Future California - 20.74 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 1/21/2007 The Rat retrieved it from Vasona Lake cache California   Visit Log

Without my reading glasses I thought this was a Jeep, but no matter. I'll move it along.

Dropped Off 1/1/2007 howeler placed it in Vasona Lake cache California - 2,415.07 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 12/12/2006 howeler retrieved it from STRATHMORE TB HOTEL Maryland   Visit Log

hummers rule!!! on to adventure in CA..

Dropped Off 11/5/2006 NanaPoppy placed it in STRATHMORE TB HOTEL Maryland - 16.09 miles  Visit Log
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