TBYW2F [Coordinate Address Link] ▼
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cross many kilometers as possibel
we are a gruop of friends motards and ouwer tb is a mto
Thanks for showing this one :)
The TB is definitely not in the geocache Zahada pana Alberta. It was probably stolen.
The cache box was destroyed and TB is probably stolen. 😟
Come on riding 😉
Ehhhhhhn, Ehhhhhhn tak popojedem. Pekna masina.
Placed 12.01.08 13:30 in Od zámecku dále... Letterbox.
[This entry was edited by Bredly on Saturday, January 12, 2008 at 10:11:37 AM.]
Retrieved 05.01.08 16:00 from Detska kes hanspaulka / Kid’s cache Hanspaulka.
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