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Signal Tag - Soccer Sturmi

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Harzdetektive Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Monday, December 24, 2012
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of jenbrucesmith.

This is not collectible.

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Ich bin ein leidenschaftlicher Sportler und reise durch die Welt. Vielleicht schaffe ich es ja sogar mal zu den Olympischen Spielen oder in das Land der nächsten Fußball-Welt- oder Europameisterschaft. Jedenfalls möchte ich viel von der Welt sehen und vielleicht einmal den Familien-Wanderpokal für die weiteste Reise des Jahres gewinnen. Hilfst du mir?

I'm an enthusiastic sports man and enjoy travelling around the world. Maybe I'll visit the the Olympic Games or the country of the next world championship of tootball? Anyway, I'd like to see lots of different spots in the world to win our family cupt for the longest journey of the year. Can you help me?

About This Item

So sehe ich aus.

Ich bin ein Unikat und ein Geschenk zu Weihnachten 2012. Ich gehöre zu einer Sammlung von 10 Trackables, die um einen Familien-Wanderpokal für die weiteste Reise des Jahres wetteifern:
I'm a unique item and a present on Christmas 2012. I'm part of a collection of 10 trackables, chasing for a family cup for the longest journey of the year.
Clauboe II (TB5HPWQ)
Flitzi II (TB5K508) (Champion 2019,2020)
Käpt'n Krabbel (TB3T9RK)
Leni (TB56J6G) (Champion 2015, 2016)
Pythi (TB56J72) (Champion 2013)
Sturmi (TB50X1W) (Champion 2017)
Tenni II (TB5HPX7) (Champion 2014)
Violi (TB56J73)
Violo (TB56J63)
Wurfi II (TB5HDJ3) (Champion 2018)

Gallery Images related to Sturmi

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Tracking History (41692.8mi) View Map

Grab It (Not from a Cache) 8/12/2019 jenbrucesmith grabbed it   Visit Log

We have this one and are trying to move out as fast as we can happy cashing

Mark Missing 6/25/2019 Harzdetektive marked it as missing   Visit Log

The owner has set this Trackable as missing.

Write note 12/17/2017 raosted posted a note for it   Visit Log

Were is it

Dropped Off 10/26/2017 deepwoodsdogs placed it in A flashlight cache for Jade Alberta, Canada - .72 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/26/2017 deepwoodsdogs took it to A Cache for Hockey Lovers Series - Thorsby Alberta, Canada - 40.38 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/24/2017 deepwoodsdogs took it to Field of Dreams Alberta, Canada - 79.78 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/23/2017 deepwoodsdogs took it to SEXAGINTA SEPTEM 67 ERNAC Alberta, Canada - 53.53 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/20/2017 deepwoodsdogs took it to William Jessop park Alberta, Canada - 89.84 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/19/2017 deepwoodsdogs took it to Guard ... I like P'rail'ines! Am I nuts? YLHDAB Alberta, Canada - 4,806.81 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/16/2017 deepwoodsdogs took it to Road Closed #1 Alberta, Canada - 4,807.81 miles  Visit Log
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