TB4JF8X [Coordinate Address Link] ▼
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My name is Melissa. I'm a good fairy. I want to fly from cache to cache bringing happiness to all who help me on my journey. I will also bring you luck if you take my picture
I have amber eyes and I'm known for my long, wavy brown ponytail braid and my tomboy personality.
Gallery Images related to Disney Fairy named Melissa A Fairy named Melissa with Melissa A Fairy named MelissaView All 3 Gallery Images
This is an automated message. Team Lerman has moved TB4JF8X to its last known location.
This is an automated message. Team Lerman has moved TB4JF8X to its last known location. I didn't know I was suppose to do this 🙂
2012 Fairy named Melissa drop off: GC1CQGR
To big for my mom's purse!
Visited Rest Stop - I-70 Westbound - Sore Thumb (GC1AP8K)
She wanted to see this.
Visited One Small Step for Everyone (GCVZBQ)
Took a TB and dropped another one. She is flying around the states.
On my way to the next adventure
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