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Travel Bug Dog Tag Disney Fairy named Melissa

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Thursday, June 20, 2013
Michigan, United States
Recently Spotted:
Unknown Location

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Current Goal

My name is Melissa. I'm a good fairy.
I want to fly from cache to cache bringing happiness to all who help me on my journey.
I will also bring you luck if you take my picture [;)]

About This Item

A Fairy named Melissa with Melissa

I have amber eyes and I'm known for my long, wavy brown ponytail braid and my tomboy personality.

Gallery Images related to Disney Fairy named Melissa

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Tracking History (446.1mi) View Map

Write note 1/8/2019 Team Lerman posted a note for it   Visit Log

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Team Lerman has moved TB4JF8X to its last known location.

Dropped Off 4/2/2017 kzebra8 placed it in R.I.P our Beloved Travel Bugs Indiana - 6.77 miles  Visit Log
Write note 9/9/2016 Team Lerman posted a note for it   Visit Log

This is an automated message.
Team Lerman has moved TB4JF8X to its last known location.
I didn't know I was suppose to do this 🙂

Dropped Off 6/22/2015 kzebra8 placed it in Camptown Indiana   Visit Log

2012 Fairy named Melissa drop off: GC1CQGR

Grab It (Not from a Cache) 6/22/2015 kzebra8 grabbed it   Visit Log

To big for my mom's purse!

Visited 6/21/2015 Glorybee50 took it to Rest Stop - I-70 Westbound - Sore Thumb Ohio - 48.32 miles  Visit Log

Visited Rest Stop - I-70 Westbound - Sore Thumb (GC1AP8K)

Visited 6/20/2015 Glorybee50 took it to Spare me the details! Ohio - 59.34 miles  Visit Log

She wanted to see this.

Visited 6/19/2015 Glorybee50 took it to One Small Step for Everyone Ohio - 58.97 miles  Visit Log

Visited One Small Step for Everyone (GCVZBQ)

Retrieve It from a Cache 6/18/2015 Glorybee50 retrieved it from Wapakoneta Travel Bug Storage/Hotel Ohio   Visit Log

Took a TB and dropped another one. She is flying around the states.

Dropped Off 6/12/2015 mfoot19 placed it in Wapakoneta Travel Bug Storage/Hotel Ohio - .26 miles  Visit Log

On my way to the next adventure

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