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Travel Bug Dog Tag Wabli

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lueders471 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Bayern, Germany
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Unknown Location

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Current Goal

Ich bin „Wabli“. Ich möchte nach Playa del Carmen, Mexiko (Yucatán). Danach wieder zurück nach Freising, Deutschland.

I am "Wabli". I want to travel to Playa del Carmen, Mexico (Yucatán). Then back to Freising, Germany.

About This Item


Bitte, bitte: macht viele Fotos

Please, please: make a lot of photos

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Tracking History (1237.7mi) View Map

Dropped Off 8/20/2014 momega placed it in Babiccino udoli / Grandma's valley Královéhradecký kraj, Czechia - 261.03 miles  Visit Log
Grab It (Not from a Cache) 6/28/2011 momega grabbed it   Visit Log

Take to Mexico

Discovered It 6/27/2011 Lukas.Veverka discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered it in TB hotel Ruzyne cache.
Nice 😉

Retrieve It from a Cache 6/27/2011 TheDansson retrieved it from TB Hotel Praha Ruzyne Airport (LKPR/PRG) Hlavní město Praha, Czechia   Visit Log

CZ: Vybráno z TB Hotel Ruzyne. Bude me doprovázet spolu s Krteckem TB3N59M na ceste do USA.
EN: Taken from TB Hotel Ruzyne. It will be my company together with Little Mole TB3N59M during my journey to the USA.

Discovered It 6/26/2011 sffh discovered it   Visit Log

So I found this skeleton hiding in local closet, er, I mean cache. Well, he didn't travel far yet, but he's by the airport now, so hopefully, he can do it to Mexico sometime soon. I wish him farewell. He should definitely do this year's Dia de los Muertos. Greetings to Germany.

Discovered It 6/25/2011 jakubb11 discovered it   Visit Log


Dropped Off 6/22/2011 lapiduch placed it in TB Hotel Praha Ruzyne Airport (LKPR/PRG) Hlavní město Praha, Czechia - 277.19 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 6/19/2011 lapiduch retrieved it from Balaton TB Hotel South Coast Somogy, Hungary   Visit Log

Took this TB from vlasem in Hungary. The mission is interresting but the final place in Mexico is terrible. I saw more beautiful place in Mex. than this "hotel complex". I will try to set the right route for this TB to MX:-)

Dropped Off 6/19/2011 vlasem placed it in Balaton TB Hotel South Coast Somogy, Hungary - 128.76 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 6/12/2011 vlasem retrieved it from Crosses along ancient ways - Wegkreuze #3 Niederösterreich, Austria   Visit Log

Ted do Madarska, pak do Prahy na letište. Odtud bude snadnejší cesta do Mexika.
Jetzt nach Ungarn, dann nach Prag zum Flughafen. Von dort wird es einfacher nach Mexiko werden.

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