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European Union Geocoin Euro Collector Coin

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roolku Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, November 12, 2005
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Current Goal

Travel in countries that use the EURO as currency and help me find the missing Euro coins in my collection.

About This Item


As part of my modest coin collection I also try to get a full set of available EURO coins. However living in a country that hasn't yet joined the Euro this is rather difficult. If you have one of the coins below, you would make me happy if you attached a picture of it to your log. If you feel particularely generous get in contact and maybe we can work out a way to get the coin to me. :)

Please make sure this geocoin stays on EURO territory

13/9/2006 Thanks to team bie'tje I have made a big step forward towards completing my collection. Only 16 coins to go.

28/9/2006 Getting there now. Only 5 coins to go. Maybe someone could take the geocoin to Finland? ;)


I am also still missing the special edition €2 coins from Belgium and Luxembourg:

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Tracking History (18623.9mi) View Map

Mark Missing 1/3/2020 Rolosan marked it as missing   Visit Log

This is an automated message. This Trackable has been marked 'missing' by a cache owner or site administrator. Trackables are marked missing when it is determined that they are no longer located in the cache they are listed in or in the hands of the current holder. Review the most recent logs on this Trackable to learn more information about its current state.

Write note 10/2/2019 loewenherz65 posted a note for it   Visit Log

Dich habe ich heute hier bei einer kleinen Stippvisite ( Besuch ) nicht gesehen.
Du gehörst zwar zum Inventar, bist aber nicht anwesend !!!


Write note 9/1/2019 daRAMA posted a note for it   Visit Log

War nicht in GC73FHB

Write note 8/21/2019 sciroc posted a note for it   Visit Log

war leider nicht mehr im

Dropped Off 7/23/2018 WSXDE-Team placed it in TB & Coin Reisezentrum Niedersachsen, Germany - 144.04 miles  Visit Log

Hier ein Stück weiter im Norden haben wir die Coin in einem tollen Hotel untergebracht.

Retrieve It from a Cache 7/11/2018 WSXDE-Team retrieved it from Emsetal-Runde - Schachtacker Thüringen, Germany   Visit Log

Die Coin haben wir auf der Emsetal-Runde gefunden und mitgenommen. Mal sehen, wo sie wieder ohne uns weiter reisen will...f

Dropped Off 7/6/2018 UltraSven placed it in Emsetal-Runde - Schachtacker Thüringen, Germany - 35.7 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/3/2018 UltraSven took it to Steinbrüche Bad Berka Thüringen, Germany - .32 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/3/2018 UltraSven took it to Goethe's Heilwasser Thüringen, Germany - 34.13 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/2/2018 UltraSven took it to Lauchagrund 4 Vulkansteig Thüringen, Germany - .16 miles  Visit Log
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