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Butterfly Kisses Geocoin Butterfly Kisses Geocoin Tornado Bram

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Tornado Bram Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
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In the hands of the owner.

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Deze LE-two-tone geocoin maakt deel uit van mijn persoonlijke collectie en is alleen te loggen als je mij tegenkomt.

About This Item

Butterfly Kisses LE-two-tone

No additional details available.

Gallery Images related to Butterfly Kisses Geocoin Tornado Bram

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Tracking History () View Map

Discovered It 1/19/2025 LillyCat2011 discovered it   Visit Log

DIch habe ich irgendwann mal irgendwo gesehen. Weiterhin gute Reise.

Discovered It 12/24/2019 MisterT. discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered it. Thank you for sharing.

Discovered It 9/2/2019 Matisons! discovered it   Visit Log

Sorry for the late log!
Finally got the time to go through trackables from the old/new events.
Thanks for sharing

Discovered It 8/7/2019 2 Highmountains discovered it   Visit Log

Danke fürs discovern

Discovered It 7/1/2019 Becurious discovered it   Visit Log

Gezien op events, dan wel op shirt, pet of tas etc. Auto's op P plaatsen
ofwel op lijstjes die aanwezig waren.
Bedankt voor het tonen.
Sorry als deze op een lijst staat/stond zonder medeweten van de eigenaar.
Seen at events, or on a shirt, cap or bag etc. Cars on Parkingplace,
or on lists that were present..
Thank you for showing.
Sorry if it is / was on a list without the owner's knowledge.
Gesehen beim Events, auf einem Hemd, einer Mütze oder einer Tasche usw. Autos auf Parkplatz,
oder auf Listen, die vorhanden waren.
Danke fürs zeigen.
Entschuldigung, wenn es auf einer Liste ohne Wissen des Besitzers steht / war.

Discovered It 5/22/2019 tontonlou discovered it   Visit Log

Merci pour le partage.

Discovered It 5/10/2019 Dulkie68 discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered it. Thank you for sharing.

Discovered It 4/10/2019 GlobetrotterJoanna discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered your TB

thanks for sharing!

Discovered It 1/14/2019 Angelorum discovered it   Visit Log

Again in the Fresser Page, thank you for discovering.

Ich sage Danke für den Cache

Discovered It 12/1/2018 Bitburger87 discovered it   Visit Log

This year were so many events and i saw and noted so much tb codes that i cant remember when and where i saw them. Thanks all for showing and have a good journey.

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