♣ 2009.06-1 ♣ PŘESECKÝ ŠNEK • Slug of Přeseka (CZ) •
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Friday, June 5, 2009
Jihočeský kraj, Czechia
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In PowerTower
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Šnek z Přeseky cestuje nejraději po přírodních keškách. Města nemá moc v oblibě.
Slug of Přeseka travels prefer a natural cache. Towns not too fond of.
Voyages d'escargot Slug préfèrent un cache naturelles. Villes n'aiment pas trop.
V žádném případě nechce cestovat do Francie protože tam by ho určitě sežrali !!!
In any case want to travel to France because there definitely would have eaten him!
Dans tous les cas voulez Voyage à la France parce qu'il n'y aurait certainement mangé!
Šnek se na svých cestách velice rádi fotí a nechce zůstávat mimo cache déle než 14 dnů !!!
Slug on their travels are happy shoot and wants to stay out of the cache for longer than 14 days !!!
Gallery Images related to ♣ 2009.06-1 ♣ PŘESECKÝ ŠNEK • Slug of Přeseka (CZ) •
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Tracking History (7196mi) View Map
papilio@/ placed it in PowerTower
Shizuoka, Japan
- 50.79 miles
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papilio@/ took it to Bird's Eye View: Mt. Iwatake
Aichi, Japan
- 36.18 miles
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I climbed Mt. Iwatake today!
PŘESEKA posted a note for it
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Climbing is everywhere, not just in France!
papilio@/ retrieved it from Nihon Rhein
Aichi, Japan
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What mountain do you want to go to?
Deufrabel placed it in Nihon Rhein
Aichi, Japan
- 70.86 miles
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Deufrabel took it to Yasaka tower
Kyoto, Japan
- 1.43 miles
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Deufrabel took it to Cartoon Lover's Paradise!!
Kyoto, Japan
- 5,787.29 miles
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Deufrabel took it to Koyasan Okunoin
Wakayama, Japan
- 5,827.37 miles
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PŘESEKA posted a note for it
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Slug I wish that he liked Japan and ask about a photo of his landing on the islands.
With thanks to owner Preseka
Deufrabel posted a note for it
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I will take this traveller to Japan in July. Next finder, please give me some time to log the drop properly before you log your find. - Thanks!
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