TB2MVJ0 [Coordinate Address Link] ▼
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Cestovat z keše do keše - hlavně v přírodě a tam kde je voda, tam to má náš mikro Kačer z Přeseky rád. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Travel from cache to cache - especially in the countryside and where there is water. Such a cache micro Duck of Přeseka like to visit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Duck on his travels like a photographer with his finders and the places that he visited ! In photographs from his travels Duck thank you. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vlastník označil tento trackovatelný předmět jako ztracený.
Not seen in Last call Rosenhain. Sorry.
Gefunden bei GC2AQHQ, abgegeben in GC44ABQ
Gefunden im größten cache österreichs :) mit klausey& willi
Sorry for the last remark. Was there. Picked it up ...
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