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Travel Bug Dog Tag TB-a-calhau

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btrodrigues Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
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Current Goal

This travelbug was on a TRAVEL BUG RACE previously. Besides trying to travel the biggest distance, all travel bugs shared another objective, which was to divulge a typical portuguese handicraft stone pavement commonly known as “Calçada Portuguesa”.
The race is now over, the mission is to keep it travelling, so please share your pictures of the travel bug along with exquisite floor pavements.

About This Item

the travel bug, at activation time.

The “Calçada Portuguesa” floor coverings consist of laying stone cobbles (white, grey, black and less commonly red) in such a way to draw geometric patterns, pictures and inscriptions on the floor. This travel bug consists of a piece of calcareous rock. It is roughly the same size as some white stone cobbles you would find on a typical “Calçada Portuguesa”. One of the things that makes it so famous and unique is the difficult task of breaking these pieces of stone up to an exact shape and laying them together very tight. The patterns and drawings formed by these stone artisans are often ignored by the millions of people that step on it everyday, but nevertheless it’s a remarkable form of art and expression.

As you can see from the photos, there are clearly many ways to look at this particular art. If you position yourself far from it, you’ll notice the calibre of the whole drawing and pattern. These drawings and patterns often cover large spaces seamlessly. Could you imagine that this pavement you’re staring at was made using little pieces of rock like the one the travel bug represents? What about looking closely at the pavement you stepping in? Can you notice the forms and figures the rocks are often shaped in individually, even without making use of the chromatic difference?

Isn’t it amazing?

This travelbug has a secondary mission, which can also be achieved while racing. He wants to visit Macau, which once was Portuguese territory and is currently one of the few places (besides, obviously, Portugal) where the the art of the “Calçada Portuguesa” can still be found.

Calçada Portuguesa - Cais do Sodré - Lisboa (PT)
Calçada Portuguesa - Cais do Sodré - Lisboa (PT)
Foto de Carlos Marques da Silva
Calçada Portuguesa - Cais do Sodré - Lisboa (PT)
Calçada Portuguesa - Cais do Sodré - Lisboa (PT)
Foto de Carlos Marques da Silva
Calçada Portuguesa - Parque das Nações - Lisboa (PT)
Calçada Portuguesa - Parque das Nações - Lisboa (PT)
Foto de Bruno Tiago Rodrigues
Calçada Portuguesa - Parque das Nações - Lisboa (PT)
Calçada Portuguesa - Parque das Nações - Lisboa (PT)
Foto de Bruno Tiago Rodrigues
Calçada Portuguesa - Parque das Nações - Lisboa (PT)
Calçada Portuguesa - Parque das Nações - Lisboa (PT)
Foto de Bruno Tiago Rodrigues
Calçada Portuguesa - Parque das Nações - Lisboa (PT)
Calçada Portuguesa - Parque das Nações - Lisboa (PT)
Foto de Bruno Tiago Rodrigues

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Tracking History (24954.8mi) View Map

Write note 10/16/2014 btrodrigues posted a note for it   Visit Log

I find it rather disturbing that a trackable "lost" in the US is suddenly being discovered in Germany, without being physically dropped on a cache or dipped on an event. Or perhaps it's just people exploiting the "random" trackable number, who knows?

On the unlikely chance that it's the first one, I'd appreciate evidence the trackable is indeed around. All other logs will be erased.

Mark Missing 10/16/2014 btrodrigues marked it as missing   Visit Log

O proprietário deste Trackable marcou-o como desaparecido.

Dropped Off 11/26/2009 outofplace placed it in Ganoga View Trail Pennsylvania - 1,972.58 miles  Visit Log
Write note 11/26/2009 KC5DRI / N3YRG and kids posted a note for it   Visit Log

Sorry not in the cache.

Retrieve It from a Cache 11/22/2009 outofplace retrieved it from Mount Holly Marsh Preserve Pennsylvania   Visit Log

Didn't have tracking # when I retrieved bug.

Dropped Off 11/22/2009 Airnut placed it in Mount Holly Marsh Preserve Pennsylvania - 19.58 miles  Visit Log
Discovered It 11/10/2009 RockGuitaristJay discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered it at GOTCHA 2nd Tuesday event

Retrieve It from a Cache 11/10/2009 Airnut retrieved it from GOTCHA 2nd Tuesday November 2009 Pennsylvania   Visit Log

Grabbed from the event to get the correct mileage.

Dropped Off 11/10/2009 Airnut placed it in GOTCHA 2nd Tuesday November 2009 Pennsylvania - 11.55 miles  Visit Log
Grab It (Not from a Cache) 11/10/2009 Airnut grabbed it   Visit Log

I like unusual travel bugs. That is why I picked this one up at the GOTCHA event.

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