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Travel Bug Dog Tag Preto e Branco

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lamas Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Friday, June 10, 2005
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Unknown Location

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Current Goal

This Travel Bug was conceived to participate in 1st Race of TB's in Portugal, whose subject was the "Portuguese Sidewalk", that it is a type of typical decorative floor of Portugal and that we hope to divulge.

Now, finished the race, it wants to continue to travel for the world, and if possible to be photographed together with decorative floors.

Este Travel Bug foi concebido para participar na 1ª Corrida de TB’s em Portugal, cujo tema era a “Calçada Portuguesa”, que é um tipo de pavimento decorativo típico de Portugal e que esperamos divulgar.

Agora, terminada a corrida, ele quer continuar a viajar pela mundo, e se possível ser fotografado junto a pavimentos decorativos.

About This Item

Preto e Branco


Travel around the world, and to be photographed together with decorative floors.


Viajar pelo mundo fora e ser fotografado junto a pavimentos decorativos.

Gallery Images related to Preto e Branco

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Tracking History (1159.9mi) View Map

Mark Missing 1/14/2021 lamas marked it as missing   Visit Log

The owner has set this Trackable as missing.

Discovered It 5/12/2014 DocBrown13 discovered it   Visit Log

Auf einem schon länger zurück liegenden Event entdeckt.
Danke für's Discovern.

Discovered It 5/22/2013 fabiomartinho discovered it   Visit Log

Encontrado na senhora do monte =)

Write note 1/9/2013 FOX_8684 posted a note for it   Visit Log

Não se encontra-va na cache "Mercado da Nazaré"

Write note 9/7/2012 inblack posted a note for it   Visit Log

Passamos pela cache onde supostamente iriamos encontrar esta TB mas não encontramo-la lá.

Dropped Off 8/22/2012 RCFornelo placed it in Mercado do Sítio [Nazaré] Leiria, Portugal - 53.3 miles  Visit Log
Grab It (Not from a Cache) 12/1/2011 RCFornelo grabbed it   Visit Log


Grab It (Not from a Cache) 10/1/2011 RCFornelo grabbed it   Visit Log

Grab it da Cacheo Trilho da Águia do Sarilhão - Gerês e não das mãos do RainMaker

Discovered It 10/1/2011 pauloms77 discovered it   Visit Log

Visto no Trilho da Águia Sarilhão - Gerês

Discovered It 9/7/2011 AGonçalves discovered it   Visit Log

[b]Saw it in the cache Cascatas do Thaiti[/b]

data on this page is cached for 3 mins