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Travel Bug Dog Tag German DASH

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In the hands of 3_Lowes.

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Current Goal

Racing other bugs and coins on a mission to reach a German geocahcer by the name of Freidel this is his address and the goal is to reach him within a year. points are awarded for distance as well as speed Fürstenwalde, Germany, N52 20.321 E14 03.633 (house number 28)

About This Item

a shopping tolley coin travelling to Germany

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    Tracking History (33713.1mi) View Map

    Retrieve It from a Cache 4/17/2018 3_Lowes retrieved it from GC10: Edinburgh Castle Southern Scotland, United Kingdom   Visit Log

    Grabbed by Edinburgh castle by 3_Lowes from the states.

    Dropped Off 4/16/2018 maantes placed it in GC10: Edinburgh Castle Southern Scotland, United Kingdom - 809.9 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 4/13/2018 maantes took it to Mosaik Baden-Württemberg, Germany - 1.05 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 4/12/2018 maantes took it to Wo sind all die Buchstaben hin? Baden-Württemberg, Germany - 306.5 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 4/8/2018 maantes retrieved it from Trogbauwerk Alte Bach Baden-Württemberg, Germany   Visit Log

    The journey goes on!

    Dropped Off 4/8/2018 Die Finken vom Hübel placed it in Trogbauwerk Alte Bach Baden-Württemberg, Germany - 299.25 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 4/2/2018 Die Finken vom Hübel took it to Luznicka/Lausur Ústecký kraj, Czechia - 179.18 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 3/29/2018 Die Finken vom Hübel retrieved it from Villa Remeis Bayern, Germany   Visit Log

    Found it.

    Discovered It 3/18/2018 discovered it Bayern, Germany   Visit Log

    Der will in die falsche Richtung 😛

    Dropped Off 3/14/2018 Stumba placed it in Villa Remeis Bayern, Germany - 158.77 miles  Visit Log
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