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Travel Bug Dog Tag Tim the Otter

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Mapleton Otters Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Monday, February 11, 2008
United States
Recently Spotted:
Unknown Location

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Current Goal

My mission is to travel as much and as far, as possible. Each trip will show our 4th and 5th Grade Class where I have traveled on the map.

About This Item

This travel bug belongs to the 4th and 5th Grade Class at Mapleton Elementary School in Mapleton, Oregon. Each class has their own travel bug and we are anxious to watch which bug travels the most trips, or takes the longest trips. Please keep our travel bug moving. Happy Trails!

The Mapleton Otters

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    Tracking History (9316.2mi) View Map

    Write note 4/28/2012 Aussiemates posted a note for it   Visit Log

    We visited the "Turtle Territory" cache today and there was no sign of the trackable. It appears to have gone missing. 😟

    Write note 1/24/2011 What would King do? posted a note for it   Visit Log

    Mon Repos Beach - French for "My Rest" is located just 15kms east of Bundaberg City central. Mon Repos supports the largest concentration of nesting marine turtles on the Eastern Australian mainland and is one of the two largest Loggerhead turtle rookeries in the South Pacific Ocean.

    Successful breeding here is critical for the survival of this endangered species. Research at Mon Repos ensures this, but the centre is also used to guide other major Queensland rookeries and is an important training centre for research program volunteers and wildlife managers from the Indo-Pacific region. Dr Col Limpus spearheaded a major research project in the 70s, tagging over 100,000 hatchlings. The 30-year research program examines reproductive and migration studies, animal surveys of nesting turtles, behavioural studies and incubation and genetic studies.

    More people visit Mon Repos every year to watch nesting turtles and emerging turtle hatchlings. Although turtles nest along the entire "Turtle Coast" between Woodgate and the Town of 1770, long, isolated beaches and darkness ensure few are actually seen. Turtles are also easily disturbed which makes Mon Repos an ideal place for a chance to see these 'ancient mariners'.

    • Logerhead Turtle
    • Internal GPS for turtles info
    • Hatchling emerging from Egg
    • Hatchlings making their way to the ocean These babies will not return to this beach again for another 30 years when they return to the same beach they hatched from to lay their clutch of eggs.
    Dropped Off 1/24/2011 What would King do? placed it in Turtle Territory Queensland, Australia - 629.31 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 1/1/2011 What would King do? retrieved it from Blasting Blueberries!! New South Wales, Australia   Visit Log

    Found in a Park in Sydney, the last find for New Years Day Caching, Hope to take you to Queensland to see more of Australia. Will post photos soon

    • Tim The Otter released from Blasting Blueberries It was late at night when this was taken. So just content of Cache he came out of.
    • Overlooking Point Danger - Coolangatta Queensland Coolangatta Qld, Some of the best surfing beaches in Australia. Beautiful long white beaches and warm sea temperatures.
Quicksilver Pro is held here, and is home to ex world surfing champion Mick Fanning.
    • Tim the Otter - Coolangatta QLD 19 01 2011 Another Beautiful day in Queensland 28'C nice & hot January day. Overlooking Greenmount - Great surfing spot. Waves not big today, but great day for a swim
    Dropped Off 12/29/2010 griz4b placed it in Blasting Blueberries!! New South Wales, Australia - 1.35 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 12/29/2010 griz4b took it to Yerroulbine New South Wales, Australia - .2 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 12/29/2010 griz4b took it to Lyon's Retreat New South Wales, Australia - 6.74 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 12/28/2010 griz4b took it to Blackbutt Creek: For Stefaan New South Wales, Australia - 4.4 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 12/27/2010 griz4b took it to Headen Seek New South Wales, Australia - 3.37 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 12/26/2010 griz4b took it to The Village New South Wales, Australia - 3.24 miles  Visit Log
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