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The Travel Lizard Geocoin Asayahs Rennender Siedlerbus - Holterdipolter

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asayah Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, March 1, 2008
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Unknown Location

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Current Goal

Holterdipolter ist fest entschlossen das Siedlerbus-Rennen zu gewinnen. Bitte helft ihm dabei indem ihr ihn schnell weiterreisen lässt.

Ein besonderer Ansporn ist für ihn übrigens ein Fotoshooting mit Siedler-von-Catan-Spielen.
Über unser Rennen

About This Item

Bereit zum Start

Dieser Bus nimmt an einem TB-Rennen teil und möchte schnell und weit von Cache zu Cache reisen. Wenn Du den Bus mitnimmst, lege ihn bitte so schnell wie möglich in einen anderen Cache. Der Bus muss nicht gegen einen anderen TB o.ä. getauscht werden.
This autobus participates in a TB-Race and wants to travel fast and far from cache to cache. If you take this bus with you, please drop it as soon as possible in another cache. The bus needn't to be trade with other TB.

Gallery Images related to Asayahs Rennender Siedlerbus - Holterdipolter

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Tracking History (32556.3mi) View Map

Mark Missing 5/23/2015 jafesan marked it as missing   Visit Log

This is an automated message.
This Trackable has been marked 'missing' by a cache owner or site administrator. Trackables are marked missing when it is determined that they are no longer located in the cache they are listed in or in the hands of the current holder. Review the most recent logs on this Trackable to learn more information about its current state.

Dropped Off 5/9/2015 Rodres placed it in Hotel Región de Murcia, Spain - .76 miles  Visit Log
Visited 5/4/2015 Rodres took it to Antonio Campillo Región de Murcia, Spain - 23.16 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 5/3/2015 Rodres retrieved it from UN ALTO EN EL CAMINO- BIENVENIDOS A PRV. ALICANTE Comunidad Valenciana, Spain   Visit Log

Menudo viajecito que lleva este autobús, si hasta la falta una rueda. Lo llevaremos con cuidado para que no sufra más daños.

Dropped Off 5/1/2015 Kikuchis placed it in UN ALTO EN EL CAMINO- BIENVENIDOS A PRV. ALICANTE Comunidad Valenciana, Spain - 25.41 miles  Visit Log
Visited 4/30/2015 Kikuchis took it to Murcia, the easy one. Murcia, el uno fácil. Región de Murcia, Spain - 1,034.45 miles  Visit Log
Visited 4/29/2015 Kikuchis took it to Big Cat 15 - Thorny One West Midlands, United Kingdom - .23 miles  Visit Log

Visited Big Cat 15 - Thorny One (GC3H725)

Visited 4/27/2015 Kikuchis took it to Big Cat 14 - Over the Water West Midlands, United Kingdom - 99.44 miles  Visit Log

Visited Big Cat 14 - Over the Water (GC3H71Z)

Visited 4/25/2015 Kikuchis took it to Entrance of history - D_Leslie_A #4 London, United Kingdom - 104.46 miles  Visit Log

Visited Entrance of history - D_Leslie_A #4 (GC4YXXF)

Visited 4/23/2015 Kikuchis took it to Witchy 7 - Taylor Swift East Midlands, United Kingdom - 6.53 miles  Visit Log
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