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Travel Bug Dog Tag Tutti

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grandpa58 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
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Current Goal

Dieser Travelbug ist nicht so wie all die Anderen.
Seine Mission ist die Fahrt zur Arbeit, zur Schule, zum Einkaufen, zum Cache und wo auch immer mein Auto mich hinfährt. Es ist also ein Auto Travelbug, der auf den Namen Tutti hört.
Deine Mission ist es das Auto zu finden und zu loggen.
Viel Glück dabei, und wenn Du mich siehst sprich mich ruhig an.

About This Item


Halte Ausschau nach einem grauen Mazda 5. Ich bin in der Regel in Nordrhein-Westfalen unterwegs, hauptsächlich rund um Langenfeld, Hilden oder Leichlingen.
Viel Spaß sagt grandpa58

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Tracking History (258147.7mi) View Map

Visited 3/7/2025 grandpa58 took it to Old Town Tallinn Adventure bonus Estonia - 2.41 miles  Visit Log

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Visited 3/6/2025 grandpa58 took it to Lennu Estonia - .11 miles  Visit Log

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Visited 3/6/2025 grandpa58 took it to Tallinn Airport - TB Hotel Estonia - 2.32 miles  Visit Log

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Visited 3/5/2025 grandpa58 took it to Valged ööd Estonia - .37 miles  Visit Log

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Visited 3/5/2025 grandpa58 took it to Love street Estonia - 50.95 miles  Visit Log

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Visited 3/4/2025 grandpa58 took it to Market Square / Kauppatori Uusimaa, Finland - .13 miles  Visit Log

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Visited 3/4/2025 grandpa58 took it to Rakkauden silta - Bridge of love Uusimaa, Finland - .16 miles  Visit Log

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Visited 3/4/2025 grandpa58 took it to Helsinki City Museum Uusimaa, Finland - 50.52 miles  Visit Log

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Visited 3/4/2025 grandpa58 took it to Puck Uusimaa, Finland - 50.48 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/2/2025 grandpa58 took it to Admiralisild / Admiral bridge Estonia - .79 miles  Visit Log

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