Benny Boy
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Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of stone72.
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(English) "This bug is lunched when our boy is 1 year. We would like to send this bug around the Earth or the travel length reach the length of the Equator, 40.075 kms. Please take it as far as you can and try to put it in the West direction from the original cache you found. We would like to get this bug back on at last 11th of November, 2013 in the GCTOPE (GC1HJJ9) cache. Thx!"
(Hungarian) "Ez a vándorbogár a fiunk 1 éves születésnapján indul útnak. Szeretnénk ha megkerülné a Földet, vagy az úthossza elérné az Egyenlíto hosszát, 40.075 km-t. Kérlek vidd minél messzebb a megtalálás helyétol, lehetoleg nyugati irányba a bogarat. Legkésobb 2013. november 11.-én szeretnénk viszontlátni a GCTOPE (GC1HJJ9) ládánkban. Köszönjük!"
The Travel Bug originally contains:
- metal plate with TB trademark
- plastic photo holder with two photos about baby: one is taken when he was born, other is his first birthday
- laminated instructions in hungarian language
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