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Big Hearts Big Love Geocoin Big Love little Hearts Geocoin

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Sunday, February 7, 2010
Illinois, United States
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Current Goal

The Big Love Little Hearts Geocoin was released during CHD (Congenital Heart Defect) Awareness Week, February 7-14, 2010. It's mission is to travel from cache to cache, spreading awareness each time it's found. Congratulations for being part of this very important mission...there's a lot you can do!

1. Read some statistics about the world's most common birth defect below.

2. Read about the ways Big Love Little Hearts helps children born with heart defects.

3. Support the Big Love Little Hearts Geocoin Global Awareness Project: Donate $5 now at:

About This Item

Big Love Little Hearts Geocoin

Congenital heart defects are the world's most common birth defect.

1 in 100, or one million children are born with a heart defect each year.

300,000 children die each year from their heart defect before they reach their first birthday.

Big Love Little Hearts exists so that all children who need surgery to repair their heart can get it, regardless of their country of origin or economic status.

We find surgeons and hospitals who will help these children free of charge, or we fund their surgery for them.

To date, Big Love Little Hearts has saved the lives of more than 100 children!

Help us save more:

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Tracking History (6407.9mi) View Map

Mark Missing 1/15/2014 Toa Norik marked it as missing   Visit Log

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This Trackable has been marked 'missing' by a cache owner or site administrator. Trackables are marked missing when it is determined that they are no longer located in the cache they are listed in or in the hands of the current holder. Review the most recent logs on this Trackable to learn more information about its current state.

Discovered It 12/1/2011 jonchi discovered it   Visit Log

Den såg vi på FAD 2011.

Discovered It 11/29/2011 Team Morr discovered it Västra Götaland, Sweden   Visit Log

Discovered it under Fumble After Dark 1104 to 1106 2011. Thank you for sharing. /mmaannggee

Discovered It 11/23/2011 SaraLu discovered it Västra Götaland, Sweden   Visit Log

Discovered it on Mega Event Fumble After Dark 2011.

Discovered It 11/20/2011 Rydström discovered it   Visit Log

Vi i MGCC såg den på FAD 2011 Floda

Discovered It 11/18/2011 Moberg discovered it Västra Götaland, Sweden   Visit Log

Discovered it. Thank you for sharing. FAD

Discovered It 11/16/2011 connyivar discovered it   Visit Log

Seen at Fumble After Dark 2011.

Discovered It 11/15/2011 Parr63 discovered it   Visit Log

Såg den på fad 2011

Discovered It 11/13/2011 Ragge1 discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered it at the MEGA-event Fumble After Dark 2011, Sweden. Thank you for sharing.

Discovered It 11/13/2011 magma1447 discovered it Västra Götaland, Sweden   Visit Log

Discovered it during FAD 2011 in Sweden.

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