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Travel Bug Dog Tag Doppen Dog Tag

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oh16oh7 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, November 21, 2009
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Current Goal

Travel the world, go from cache to cache!

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    Tracking History (9897.4mi) View Map

    Write note 4/29/2014 MTNMP639 posted a note for it   Visit Log

    Not in cache

    Write note 11/21/2012 Drielijn posted a note for it   Visit Log

    Not seen in the garden!

    Dropped Off 9/6/2011 Atomaker placed it in Tropical Treasure Hawaii - 2,538.76 miles  Visit Log

    Just another day in Paradise, right? Not if your day includes the greatest game in the world. Geocaching rocks!

    This entry was edited by Atomaker on Monday, 12 September 2011 at 15:19:09 UTC.

    Retrieve It from a Cache 7/22/2011 Atomaker retrieved it from Lithia Duck Pond Oregon   Visit Log

    Found in Lithia Duck Pond area. Will place it in a new cache to be placed soon, probably near Pilot Rock, in the Siskiyou mountains.

    Dropped Off 5/29/2011 HydeNseekerCO placed it in Lithia Duck Pond Oregon - 765.3 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 5/25/2011 HydeNseekerCO retrieved it from Take a ride on the Geocaching line Colorado   Visit Log

    Exchanged this TB with the geo-cacher who left it, great way to make new friends! I'll get this unique TB on it's way to Oregon this weekend.

    Dropped Off 5/25/2011 vogtrj placed it in Take a ride on the Geocaching line Colorado - 479.73 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 5/13/2011 vogtrj retrieved it from Dinosaurus Arizona   Visit Log

    Exciting to grab a TB from such a faraway land. Will travel a couple states away in a few days and find it a new home.

    Dropped Off 5/2/2011 MrGearaholic placed it in Dinosaurus Arizona - 5,274.05 miles  Visit Log
    • The new scenery for the "Caps dog tag". On the slopes of Mars Hill in Flagstaff, Arizona. The top of this hill houses the Lowell Observatory, where Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto in 1930.
    Retrieve It from a Cache 4/24/2011 MrGearaholic retrieved it from De doos van Lotte Noord-Holland, Netherlands   Visit Log

    Helaas, deze doppen hebben niet lang van de waterleidingduinen mogen genieten. Alweer na enkele uren meegenomen. Maar de doppen zijn in goede handen: na al dat ge-zig-zag in Nederland wordt het tijd voor een echte reis (naar alweer een fantastisch landschap): deze doppen zullen binnen een week ruim 8500 km gaan afleggen! Naar welke cache precies laat ik nog even een verassing... 😁

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