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Travel Bug Dog Tag Red One

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SomewhereInND Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Thursday, November 20, 2003
North Dakota, United States
Recently Spotted:
Unknown Location

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Current Goal

Return to one of my owners caches

About This Item

This bug was released with 5 other similar bugs. 2 red, 2 blue & 2 white.

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    Tracking History (13111.4mi) View Map

    Discovered It 2/21/2025 Operation Monkeys discovered it   Visit Log

    I see you tb on TD spoiler group. I hope that's ok?
    Else just delete my log please.
    Thank you anway.
    Unfortunately,think it's lost,as it haven 't been found for mor many years.
    My TD gx108y
    A have mor tb's
    Sent message for mor tb's
    (Collection operation monkeys)

    Discovered It 10/29/2023 A. Schilling discovered it   Visit Log

    Seen online at some point during 2023
    Thank you for sharing

    Write note 6/11/2014 Fugads posted a note for it   Visit Log

    I found something related to this TB in a cache in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. A small ziploc baggie had a TB note with the name of this TB, a few pieces of legos, and a list of some of the owner's caches in North Dakota. Unfortunately, the dog-tags were not there. I did some internet sleuthing to find this TB page. I wish I could say I've discovered this TB after 5 years, but I've only discovered some remnants of it. Perhaps those tags will still turn up some day.

    • TB remnants Found in Oak Ridge, TN
    Dropped Off 8/16/2009 Ky Paddler placed it in River Bend North Carolina - 1,190.8 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 7/20/2009 Ky Paddler retrieved it from Tree Row North Dakota   Visit Log

    It's next home will be in Ky.Hope Red enjoys the long hitchhike back to ND.

    Dropped Off 7/20/2009 jcsbox placed it in Tree Row North Dakota - 623.67 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 6/27/2009 jcsbox retrieved it from Shepherdia Argentea North Dakota   Visit Log

    first bug i have picked up. i hope those mosquitos didnt give me another.🙂

    Dropped Off 5/25/2009 BisonBrandon placed it in Shepherdia Argentea North Dakota - 190.96 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 5/23/2009 BisonBrandon retrieved it from Fargo-Moorhead Bug-Tel West North Dakota   Visit Log

    Snatched this up on my way to Mandan.

    Write note 5/22/2009 Crazy4Legos posted a note for it   Visit Log

    Found it. Added a list of coordinates for the owners caches.

    data on this page is cached for 3 mins