PF-02 - FEEDDADABEEF Multi-Cache
PengoFamily: This cache is no longer in service. We're moving! Ye ya!
Size:  (not chosen)
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This cache is to honour 'King Boreas', who at the time of this writting has HIDDEN 1081 caches.
Cette cache est pour l'honneur de geocacher 'King Boreas' qui a CACHE 1081 caches (quand cette cache etait publie.)
PengoDaddy needs his beef. So ... FEEDDADABEEF ... A big MAC! So ... FEEDDADABEEF
Go to the published coordinates. Can you smell it? Can you sniff it? FEEDDADABEEF
Do it the right way and you'll have the coordinates of the final cache location. Search a little broader and you might even get some clues about the physical cache.
Please - when you log your visit or write a note, do not give hints about this cache!!
SVP - Quand vous log votre visite ou ecrit un note, ne laissez pas d'indices!!
A big CONGRATULATIONS!!! to sevy for the PAT (FTF) on this cache! YEAH!
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)