Gorman's at the Gap Multi-Cache
geographobiacs: No longer wish to maintain.
Size:  (regular)
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A trip to the outskirts of Toowoomba. Fun in a 4WD! But there is alternate access for 2WDs.
Three questions (Q1, Q2, Q3) giving you three answers (A1, A2, A3).
I'd guess it's possible to cycle it too. But I haven't done it. Would probably follow the 4WD route if you're on a mountain bike - just might have to walk down a coupla hills.
Cache is an ammo box. Was nice to work with a cache this big - can get some bigger trade items in there.
Question 1. Start at S27 36.722 E151 57.464. Question - on which Sunday of each month do the Top Gun Series meet?
If you're in a 4WD look South - you'll see you can go left or kinda straight ahead. You want kinda straight ahead. If at any stage it looks too difficult (it wasn't for me and I'm a n00b 4WDer!), follow the 2WD route. If you're in a 2WD proceed to S27 37.542 E151 56.581 (takes you to the intersection of the Upper Flagstone Ck Rd and the New England Highway). Turn left towards question 2.
Question 2. Proceed to S27 37.919 E151 57.942. What is the 7th digit in the phone number on the sign?
Question 3. Turn right at S27 37.786 E151 58.309 and proceed to S27 37.946 E151 59.356. Should be a sign nearby. What year was this road declared part of Australia's National Estate?
Coordinates for the final location are:
S27 37.(A)(B)(C) E151 59.(D)(E)(F)
A = second digit of A3
B = 6 - last digit of A3
C = A2
D = 3 + last digit of A3
E = A1
F = 4 (freebie!)
Proceed to that point to find the cache! There's a bit of a hill, which is probably best tackled by walking. But it might be fun to drive a 4WD up there as well (it was for us!). Just be careful! Also, be on the lookout for old barbed wire in the area.
Additional Hints
Pnpur vf nzzb obk arne onfr bs thz gerr.