Not Too Far, Not Too Near Multi-Cache
Not Too Far, Not Too Near
Size:  (regular)
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A country drive, medium sized swaps
At WP1 look at the street sign, how many L's? This = A
WP2 is at: S 35°10.(10-A)13, E147°16.4(A+1)0
At WP 2 look at the sign how many letters in the two words that tell you what type of club this is? this = B
WP3 is at: S35°09.38(B-8), E147°17.66(B-3)
At WP 3 stop and look around not too far away there is a sign, the number on the sign indicates a playing point for a game this = C
Ground Zero is at S35°09.(C-6)43, E147°1(A+1).(C-14)0(B-4).
Good Luck
Additional Hints
Gur boivbhf fcbg