The cache has a code number which will be required to find Paradise Series - Tranquility.
It is recommended that you park close to these coordinates and walk to the cache.
At the listed coordinates you will find a plaque.
A = The first digit which appears on the bottom line of the plaque.
B = The digit which appears most on the nearby survey marker.
At the top of the lookout you will find a small plate with 6 digits on it.
C = The number which appears the most on this plate
Near the bottom of the stairs are 2 shiny signs.
If the name of the SLSC is Pacific then D = 3.
If the name of the SLSC is Currumbin then D = 7.
If the name of the SLSC is Viking then D = 1.
If the name of the SLSC is Gold Coast then D = 2.
If the animal mentioned is a horse then E = 3.
If the animal mentioned is a elephant then E = 4.
If the animal mentioned is a cat then E = 1.
If the animal mentioned is a unicorn then E = 7.
WP2 is located at S28°08.DBE, E153°29.BCA
At WP2 There is a telephone number starting with 1 300.
FGHJ are the last 4 digits of this number.
K = H+J.
L = B+F.
The final cache is located at S28°08.CGE, E153°29.KHL
Take care as the ground cover around the cache is thorny.