Wooden Work 15- One for the Kids 5 Multi-Cache
Wooden Work 15- One for the Kids 5
Size:  (small)
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15/12/2019:- The works here are not yet finished but the cache is now able to be done again.
The playground is no longer a total wooden work but being an old cache we want to keep it going
You may not be able to get to WP1 as yet but you will be able to get close enough to get the answers.
Another in the One for the kids series, as usual the cache is placed away from the play equipment to make it accessible to cachers with out children
This cache is located not very far from our first Wooden Work. It is another playground that should have the younger cachers enjoying themselves and burning off some of that excess energy..
To find the cache you will need to find the following;-
A/ = Find the Pole people along the front, how many arms is one person holding in the air?
B/ = The number of brown Pyramid style Roofs plus the number of orange flags plus 3.
C/ = How many wheels are on ONE side of the train minus 4.
The cache is located at S37° 57.AAB E145° 33.ACA
This is a large preform container painted black.
This area can be very popular and because of a previous muggle (the first hiding spot was destroyed) we had to move the cache into a slightly more exposed area so please be careful retrieving and replacing the cache.
Additional Hints
Jvgu onpx gb ohvyqvat, abg ng tebhaq yriry.