Dead Reckoning Multi-Cache
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Don't worry, you won't need a shovel to dig up my first multi-cache!
V3, 03 May 2009: The signage originally used for this cache has been revamped twice!
V4, 23 Feb 2017: The sign at the front of the premises has been changed yet again. As at 23 Feb 2017, the sign at the entrance only has FIVE WORDS on it.
V5, 8 Feb 2018: This was always a numbers game, but after someone put their digits in the digits, it had to be re-worked!
STEP 1: There is a sign at the front of the 'premises' presented at the right of the entrance. Your first task is to determine which 15 letters are not duplicated throughout the sign. Using the grid A=1 through to Z=26, convert the 1st and 12th of these letters to numbers.
STEP 2: Subtract the 1st of these from the 12th then multiply by 9 (This will be N1). Now add the 1st to the 12th and multiply by 10 (This will be N2). Add N1 to N2 then add to this the value of the 1st letter of the 3rd word of the sign.
STEP 3: Subtract this figure from the decimal portion of your starting South coordinate, to produce your next South coordinate.
STEP 4: Add together the value of the 7th and 12th letters along with the value of the 9th letter of the 1st word in the sign. Subtract the total value of these letters from the decimal portion of your starting East coordinate to produce your next East coordinate.
In the vicinity of the second location you will find four poles which will help light the way to the cache. Two of the poles have both a 4-digit number and a 7-digit number. Two of the poles have only a 7-digit number.
STEP 5: Using the poles that have a 7-digit number only, add all of the digits together to provide you with N3.
STEP 6: Using the poles that have a 4-digit number, take each of those 4-digit numbers in turn, add together each individual digit to produce a 2-digit number. Add together the two 2-digit numbers. This will be N4.
STEP 7: To obtain the 3rd location's South coord, take N3 and double it. Now subtract this number from the decimal portion of the 2nd location's South coordinate.
STEP 8: Subtract the smaller of the two 4-digit numbers from the largest, and then further subtract N3. Now add this figure to the decimal portion of the 2nd location East coordinate, to obtain the 3rd location's East coordinate.
At this location, look for a metal tag with the coordinates to the cache.
The cache will be within 100m by DEAD RECKONING.
PLEASE: NO SPOILERS (text or photos) in your log entries!!
Please: Trade Up or Trade Even
Additional Hints
Erqhpr lbhe jnyxvat qvfgnapr ol guerruhaqerq zrgerf vs lbh cnex va gur ivpvavgl bs fbhgu guerrbar svirgjb cbvag sbhegjbmreb rnfg barbarfvk mrebgjb cbvag frirafvkavar