Capri-cache Traditional Cache
Size:  (regular)
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Tropic of Capricorn Signpost area on Great northern highway. Where the Temperate and Tropics merge
You can drive through the tropic of Capricorn line when you pass up or down the inland or the coastal highways. We chose the inland route and sign area to place a cache and let you get out of the car for a short break and chance to get the blood flowing again. The Capricorn roadhouse is only a short way away and you could stop there is you need refreshments also. While we were searching for a suitable place to put the cache we found fresh dingo tracks. We think he took off as we entered the bush. Make sure you keep an eye out for snakes and wear long trousers or be prepared to get a few spinifex spikes in the ankles. Starting contents are Screwdriver set, some toys, Scissors and the usual log book.
Additional Hints
Gur pnpur vf cynprq n fubeg jnl hc n qrnq gerr…svaq gur gerr naq lbh jvyy svaq gur pnpur. Nyfb frr vs lbh pna svaq fvtaf bs Yla Cng naq Anguna unir orra urer ba bar bs gur fvtaf.