On this spot on the 28th Decr. 1836 the Colony of South Australia was proclaimed & established as a Province by Captn. John Hindmarsh R.N.
The Governor thereof acting in the name & on behalf of His Majesty King William IV in the presence of the Chief Officers of the Government and other colonists on the 28th Decr. 1857
The record of the above fact was here publicly affixed by Sir R. G. MacDonnell, Knt C.B. Governor in Chief of the Province in the presence of the assembled colonists to commemorate the event of the Colony attaining its 21st year and to testify their feelings by a day of public rejoicing
God save the Queen
S34° 58.AAC E138° 31.ABB
A= Number of cannons near corner
B= A*2
C= A*4
Warning. The dingo may be watching your activity.