Xanthorrhoea is a genus of about 30 species of flowering plants endemic to Australia.
Common names for Xanthorrhoea include grasstree, grass gum-tree (for its resin-yielding species), kangaroo tail and blackboy.
The Aboriginal people called the plants Balga because after a bush fire had ravaged the land, the blackened trunk of the Xanthorrhoea would be revealed beneath the burned lower leaves, and would resemble a childlike black figure. Others believe that the plant, with its bush fire blackened trunk and long flower spike resembled an Aboriginal boy wielding a spear.
Xanthorrhoea is important to the Aboriginal peoples. It is a highly valued resource with many uses. The flowering spike may be utilised as the lightweight handle of a composite spear with a hardwood sharp shaft inserted into the end. It is also soaked in water and the nectar from the flowers gives a sweet tasting drink. In the bush the flowers could reveal directions, since flowers on the warmer, sunnier side – usually north – of the spike often open before the flowers on the cooler side facing away from the sun.
The resin from Xanthorrhoea plants is used in spear-making and is an invaluable adhesive for Aboriginal people, often used to patch up leaky coolamons (water containers) and even yidaki (didgeridoos). The dried flower stalk scape was also used to generate fire by the hand drill friction method.
Resin collected from the plant was used in Australia until the mid-twentieth century for the following purposes:
- Burnt as an incense in churches.
- A base component for a varnish used on furniture and in dwellings.
- A polish and a coating used on metal surfaces including stoves, tin cans used for storing meat and “brass instruments.”
- A component used in industrial processes associated with “sizing paper, in soap making, perfumery and in manufacturing early gramophone records.”
However, the Xanthorrhoea you will see at this site are purely ornamental.
Plenty of area here to park your car if you choose to do a walk.
From here you may want to walk to GC9C1A9 - Extreme Driving (4WD ONLY) if you do not have a suitable vehicle.