Haunted Bridge Traditional Cache
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This story comes from the Molong Express in 1946.
The One That Cattle Won't
'The bridge must be haunted.'
So commented Dir. J. O'Donnell at
Molong ?P.P.- jBoard ^meeting, on Fri
day. _ -
lie referred to a' letter from the
Shire - of Amaroo,* pointing out' the
'difficulty: experienced , by all drovers
'in getting ' sheep' and particularly
icattle -to ; cross the bridge on the
Euchareena Road over Bell River.
: Dir. W. J. Lyons (president): May
be tlicy v see the water through the
.planking, : which is separated like the
grating in sheep pens. As it is a fairly
high . bridge,* that- might scare them.
J Dir.- :.W. Swain: Are there many
cattle moving about now?
Dir. W. J. Lyons: Yes, I think we
should adopt recommendations in this
letter;' : namely, to 're-fence, the ap-
proaches to '? the bridge. . V Cattle ?- will
not be so liable to break away then.
. The Board will take, the necessary
action. ( ,
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