Mountain Creekside Traditional Cache
Size:  (regular)
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Located in a park in a clump of trees.
This cache is a large "sistema Klip IT" clear plastic container and lid that is buried among a clump of trees and ferns. It is covered over with dead leaves/mulch.
It contains various items along with a log book to record your discovery.
Park the car at 26 41 51.62S 153 05 56.50E at the children's playgound. There is an electric BBQ there too.
The cache is definately present..."Seek and yee shall find"
Additional Hints
Lbhe unir gb pebff bire gb gur abegurea fvqr bs gur perrx ivn n ynetr pbapergr oevqtr. Sbyybj gur cngu bss gb gur jrfg bs gur pne cnex gb svaq gur oevqtr. Vs lbh svaq n ubyr gung ybbxf yvxr n fgbyra pnpur, ybbx ba gur bgure fvqr bs gur gerr fghzc!...gur pnpur vf qrsvargryl cerfrag...